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Haiti - Social : Towards Social Peace in Cité Soleil
un articulo por Haiti Libre

Wednesday (29 January), following the negotiating table held on 15, 17 and 21 January, Major David Basile, Minister of Interior and Territorial Communities, accompanied by Mr. Peter de Clercq, the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in Haiti, took part in the second day of the Forum of Reflections on the Commune of Cite Soleil at the Hotel Oasis (Petion-ville).

click on photo to enlarge

The Forum, organized by the Collective of Notables of Cité Soleil (CONOCS) aims initially to pursue the dialogue between the inhabitants of Cité-Soleil in order to identify the main problems and find common solutions with local authorities.

In his remarks for the occasion, the Minister strongly condemned the difficult situations faced for over a decade, the town of Cité Soleil plagued by socio-economic, political and security issues of importance and reiterated his support to the Forum of reflection, which promotes dialogue not the dialectic of arms. He said he hoped that through this Forum, a further step is being taken towards the dream of the Government of Martelly/Lamothe to see Cité Soleil live in social peace, brotherhood so it knows a new era of development.

The Minister also welcomed the determination of organized groups, associations and citizens of Cité Soleil, who actively participated in the series of negotiations initiated by the Ministry of the Interior, that enabled them to sit around the same table, representatives of different neighborhoods of Cité Soleil, recalling that it is based on these discussions, that an agreement for the social peace is about to be found. He also confirmed that a new Cartel will be placed at the head of the municipality on the basis of a consensus between the parties.

Minister Basil stressed that there was no ethnic grounds or economic reason to justify armed violence fueled by some intruders at the expense of the majority of people in this commune.

The Minister has guaranteed the willingness of the power in place to promote the culture of social peace to stop the spread of conflict and create a climate conducive to the implementation of social programs, strengthening of basic services and the construction of new infrastructure for the benefit of the population.

To conclude, Major Basil said he was convinced of the potential of Cité Soleil to lift itself up and indicated that the solution lies in social peace and tolerance.

(Click here for a French version of this article)


Pregunta(s) relacionada(s) al artículo :

Are the people of Haiti making progress toward a culture of peace?,

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Comentario más reciente: :

This question pertains to the following articles:
Pour une ‘culture de paix’ dans la presse du Cap-Haïtien
For a 'culture of peace' in the press of Cap-Haitien
16 Days of Activism: Meet Marjorie Lafontant, Haiti
MPP’s Much Ado About Women
Haïti - Social : Vers la Paix sociale à Cité Soleil
Haiti - Social : Towards Social Peace in Cité Soleil
UNIFA, the University of the Aristide Foundation in Haiti

Este artículo ha sido publicado on line el February 22, 2014.