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2013 Peace Fair - The Children Ask The World Of Us (U.S.)
un articulo por PeaceWorks

August 3 is the date set for the 9th Annual Peace Fair to be held on the Brunswick Mall.

click on photo to enlarge

The Peace Fair looks at and celebrates the growing interest around the world to create a new culture based on compassion and sustainable practices, one that grows as we learn to treat ourselves, each other and our natural resources with love rather than dominance.

Local artists, poets, activists and musicians offer many activities that are fun for the whole family.

This year’s Fair has chosen the theme “Children Ask the World of Us”, a statement taken from Woman’s Action for Nuclear Disarmament. Looking, also, at the UNESCO Culture of Peace Document, we pose the following questions for all of us to consider:

How shall we teach them?
shall we keep them safe from war and violence?
How shall we protect the Earth for them?
How shall we feed them?
How shall we keep them healthy?
How shall we ensure a compassionate society?

Instead of individual tablers as we’ve had in past years, a circle of organizations will form around each of these questions. The circles will attract the attention of passersby with brightly colored banners designed by local artists. Circle participants will offer all sorts of activities designed for fun and to engage Fair goers in envisioning a future in which all children can thrive. In addition, facilitated Conversations will invite everyone to make connections among the six questions. And all through the day there will be musicians and presentations, poetry writing workshops, games and crafts, dancing to local bands, even rides in an ox drawn cart to round out the Fair.

Don't miss it - We'll be looking for you! Cathey Cyrus, Joe deRivera, Christine DeTroy, Dan Ellis, Rosalie Paul, Amanda Similien, Karen Wainberg - Members of the Peace Fair Planning Committee

Photos from the 2012 Eighth Annual Peace Fair — photos by Peter Woodruff


Pregunta(s) relacionada(s) al artículo :

Could we benefit from more Celebrations of Peace?,

* * * * *

Comentario más reciente: :

This discussion question applies to the following articles:

First International Day of Peace Parade
A Peace Party
A Peace Party
2013 Peace Fair - The Children Ask The World Of Us (U.S.)
Un Dia da Cultura de Paz em Santo Amaro (Brasil)
Culture of Peace Day in Santo Amaro (Brazil)
Senegal: 4th Global Peace Festival: “Live Peace – Meeting of World Cultures”
DRC: Meeting on the School Day of Non Violence and Peace

Este artículo ha sido publicado on line el August 9, 2013.