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International Festival of Nyamina, Mali: Cinema and Peace
un articulo por Assane Koné, Le Republicain, Mali (abridged)

Unlike in previous years, the ninth edition of the Bamako Encounters Film (RCB) and the International Festival of Nyamina (FINA) will take place in a single day, December 22, 2012, at the French Institute in Bamako. To announce the event, Souleymane Cissé, President of the Union of Creators and Entrepreneurs of Cinema and Audiovisual in West Africa (UCECAO), along with the third deputy mayor of Nyamina, and the film director. Salif Traoré, President of the Mali Union of Filmmakers, hosted a press conference on December 17, 2012, at the headquarters of UCECAO.

click on photo to enlarge

Placed this year under the theme "The role of cinema in the culture of peace", the 9th edition of the Bamako Encounters Film (RCB) and the International Festival of Nyamina (FINA), under the auspices of the UCECAO will be held this year in a particular context. According to Souleymane Cissé, this context is characterized by a multifaceted crisis: armed conflict in the north and institutional crisis in the south. "For this reason, we, in cooperation with the Mayor and the people of Nyamina decided to organize the 9th International Festival of Nyamina in Bamako. It is for only one day, but we want it to be very rich," he said. He added that this day will be used to question the role that film has played the past, in the present and the role it will continue to play in promoting the culture of peace.

But beyond the question of cinema, he considered that this year's event will be an opportunity to put an emphasis on culture as an essential factor for peace. Souleymane Cissé provided details of the program for the event. According to him, in addition to a panel discussion on "The role of cinema in the culture of peace" to be held December 22, 2012, from 10:00 at the French Institute, the people of Bamako are invited to watch movies. In the afternoon, about 2:00, the audience, in the sumptuous surroundings of the French Institute in Bamako, will have the privilege of seeing thirty minutes of short films on the crisis in Mali, performed by young talents from the UCECAO.

Then around 3:00, the film "Korafola" by Mamadou Cissé will be screened. It has just been honored with the "Special Mention" by the jury of the Carthage Film Festival. Around 4:00, festival and all cinema lovers are invited to come see the movie "Timbuktu", a realization by Tewfik Fares from Algeria. This film will be followed by the film "Toy Soldiers", directed by François Margolin from France. "Mariam Makeba-Mama Africa", a film directed by Mika Kaurismaki, will be screened at around 6:30. And at 9:00, a surprise film will close the 9th edition of the Bamako Encounters Film Festival and the International Nyamina, which has been a day full of images and sounds, all to glorify peace. . .

(Click here for a French version of this article)


Pregunta(s) relacionada(s) al artículo :

Film festivals that promote a culture of peace, Do you know of others?

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Comentario más reciente: :

Chicago, IL, USA has an annual Peace on Earth Film Festival.

Este artículo ha sido publicado on line el December 27, 2012.