Adapted from the flyer and website of the UCLG City of Bogotá Peace Prize
Has your local government successfully worked to prevent or overcome conflict or to create dialogue? Or does it help local governments in conflict areas in their efforts to achieve or maintain peace? Then consider nominating it for the UCLG City of Bogotá Peace Prize!

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The UCLG City of Bogotá Peace Prize is a triennial award for (a coalition of) local governments that have implemented initiatives in conflict prevention, resolution or peace building, that are proven to have had a significant positive impact. The prize aims to contribute to full acknowledgement of the important but often overlooked role of local governments as peace building actors, thus creating a more effective approach to conflict resolution.
Nominations can be submitted through the website of the Peace Prize until the 30th of June 2016. The application form is online at : http://www.peaceprize.uclg.org/en/apply.
Nominated cases are assessed by a high level expert jury. The winning local government will receive a modest prize package worth €20.000, aimed at strengthening its peace projects and facilitating learning and exchange.
The first award ceremony of the UCLG City of Bogotá Peace Prize will take place at the UCLG World Congress in Bogotá, on 12-15 October 2016. Here, the local governments that will be nominated as finalists will get the opportunity to present their approaches and the jury will declare the final winner.
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How can culture of peace be developed at the municipal level?
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The members of the jury are:
Lakhdar Brahimi holds a commendable array of experiences in international relations and is now considered to be among the most prominent human rights and peace advocates in the world. His background has ensured him membership of the The Elders: a group consisting of independent global leaders working together for peace and human rights.
Dr. Tarik Kupusovic has been the Lord Mayor of Sarajevo during the second half of the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the siege of Sarajevo (1994-96). As President of the country’s Association of Towns and Cities he has established close relations with many cities and mayors of the world to restore the workings of local autonomous government in his country’s devastated cities.
Dr. Aisa Kirabo Kacyira of the Republic of Rwanda is the Deputy Executive Director and Assistant Secretary-General for UN-HABITAT providing critical leadership to promote sustainable cities and human settlements globally.
Dr. Tadatoshi Akiba is the former mayor of Hiroshima and has considerable experience in communicating the dire realities of atomic bombing and has brought great improvements to municipal policies in the field of fiscal health, transparency, citizen service and youth violence.
Rafael Grasa is the President of the International Catalan Institute for Peace. In his research, Professor Grasa focuses on the resolution and transformation of conflict, non-military aspects of security and human security, decentralized governance and prevention of violent behaviour.
Wim Deetman is the former mayor of The Hague and has been instrumental in positioning the city in the international peace and security domain leading to the International Criminal Court being situated in The Hague. As a legacy for his political engagement the Wim Deetman Foundation has been established in his name providing students from developing countries the chance to pursue a master`s degree in the area of peace and justice in The Hague.