Maniema: launch of the peace protection support project in Kabambare, DR Congo


An article from Radio Okapi (translation by CPNN)

The National Network of NGOs for the Development of Women (RENADEF) launched, Monday May 20 in Kindu, a project to support the protection of peace for the territory of Kabambare (Maniema).
This project will be implemented for 12 months with at least 300 community mediators who will be responsible for raising community awareness on the culture of peace and peaceful conflict resolution.

Marie Nyombo Zaina

(Click here for the original French version of this article.)

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“RENADEF supports the implementation of the action plan of this project on the ground. Its main objective is to consolidate peace and the protection of women and girls in precarious humanitarian conditions, where there is “insecurity or armed groups or even wars and natural disasters”, according to the national coordinator of the organization, Marie Nyombo Zaina.
This project is part of the support framework of the Congolese Government through the legal instruments that the country has ratified at the international level.
“It is within this framework that we are working on UN Security Council Resolution 1325. The action plan for the second generation is being launched in different provinces and I think that next week it will be launched. With our planning, at the end of this project, at least 12,000 people will be reached by the message because there will also be some local organizations strengthened to sustain the action,” added Marie Nyombo Zaina.

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