An article from the Angola Press News Agency
The executive director of the 2nd Edition of the Peace Biennial, ambassador Diekumpuna Sita José, analyzed Friday, strategic and operational issues with the commissioner for gender promotion and human and social development of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), Yvette Ngadu.

The second edition of the Luanda Biennial – Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace is scheduled for September this year.
During the meeting, the interlocutors analyzed issues related to the intervention of the regional organization in attracting support and partners to contribute for the success of the regional event, which is under the shared responsibility of Angola, Unesco and the African Union.
According to ambassador Sita José, Yvette Ngadu expressed the willingness of the regional organization to help mobilize partners and collect initiatives for a wider participation of African countries in the cultural meeting with the greatest annual projection.
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(Click here for the Portuguese version of this article.)
The Luanda Biennale: What is its contribution to a culture of peace in Africa?
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[Editor’s Note: The following is translated by CPNN from the original Portuguese version]
The Angolan diplomat said that the concept of the second edition will revolve around culture, heritage and peace as a contribution to a more sustainable and united Africa.
The event, a tripartite event (Angola, African Union and UNESCO) aims to promote harmony and brotherhood between peoples through cultural and civic activities and manifestations, with the integration of African elites and representatives of civil society, traditional and religious authorities, as well as intellectuals, artists and sportsmen.
The biennial also aims to establish increasingly close cooperation with Unesco, with a view to promoting a true culture of peace in Africa.
The 1st edition held from 18 to 22 September 2019 brought together 16 African countries and 600 international participants, with the theme of commitment to peace and sustainable development.
It is a platform to promote cultural diversity and African unity, a favorable place for cultural and intra-African exchanges, being a special meeting, which brings together actors and partners of a pan-African movement every two years for prevention of violence and conflicts and the consolidation of peace.
The coordinator of the 2021 Biennial established by Presidential Decree is the Minister of State for the Social Area, Carolina Cerqueira, who, in 2019, was a signatory, as then Minister of Culture, in Paris, of the Agreement with Unesco for the responsibility of the parties in the realization of the Biennial of Peace.