Special to CPNN from Jerry Bibang
The National Coordination of the Panafrican Youth Network for the Culture of Peace (PAYNCoP Gabon) recently presented its roadmap to the President of the National Assembly of Gabon.
On the occasion of a hearing granted by Faustin Boukoubi, the President of the institution, the PAYNCoP Gabon presented its vision and the next activities in the framework of the promotion of the culture of peace.

During the meeting, Bautrin Ekouma, the Deputy National Coordinator of PAYNCoP Gabon introduced the group before giving the floor to Kevin Pango, the Institution Relations Officer, who reviewed the network’s missions, which essentially boil down to promoting the culture of peace. This involves dialogue, non-violence, living together, social justice, democracy, etc.
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According to the national coordination of PAYNCop Gabon, the roadmap Johanie Mayinou, the Legal Affairs Officer, gave a presentation on the Strategic Action Plan, which focuses on four areas, namely the popularization of PAYNCoP, the promotion of the culture of peace, the popularization of UN Resolution 2250 and empowerment of the youth economy.
According to Jerry Bibang, National Coordinator of PAYNCoP Gabon, the implementation of this Action Plan requires the involvement of all: government, institutions, development partners, civil society organizations, journalists, political parties, religious denominations, citizens … Everyone must play his part because we all need to live in peace. Today’s meeting is part of this inclusive approach. “The goal is to encourage the commitment of the National Assembly to promote the culture of peace,” he added.
For Faustin Boukoubi, the President of the National Assembly, the youth approach is commendable because it responds to the vital need of peace. Without peace, no development is possible. He encouraged the PAYNCoP Gabon to promote the culture of peace, and promised the accompaniment of the institution he leads to the extent of available resources.
The Speaker of the National Assembly also invited the Panafrican Youth Network for Peace Culture to collaborate with other youth organizations for greater synergy and social impact.
The meeting with the President of the National Assembly follows meetings with the Director General of Gabon Première (the first national television channel) which had also given its agreement in principle to accompany PAYNCoP Gabon in its missions.