Benin: The Youth Movement for the Preservation of Peace and Democracy raises awareness of Atacora youth on non-violence


An article from Agence Benin Presse

The Youth Movement for the Preservation of Peace and Democracy has held an action “Its now or never” to raise the consciousness of the youth of Atacora for nonviolene and the culture of peace in the upcoming electoral period. It was held on Saturday [April 13] on the esplanade of the House TV5 Natitingou in the presence of the Atacora Prefect, Maguidi Kora Gbéré, Mayor Antoine N ‘da and the regional delegate mediator of the Republic of Atacora and Donga, Dieudonné Kiatti.

The day of peace included theatrical and artistic presentation, with the key word peace, speeches promoting non-violence and citizen and patriotic behavior, the release of two white doves, a symbol of peace and the lighting of “the flame of peace.

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Question related to this article:

How should elections be organized in a true democracy?

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The movement “It is now or never”, coordinated nationally by, Moutardine Tangaou, is necessary to maintain Benin on the path of democracy that it has follosed since February 1990. “We are fighting exclusively for peace, because there have been new events in our country that have caused us a fear of inheriting an unmanageable country,” said the national coordinator. He urged politicians to open avenues of dialogue, and he said he was proud to see several other organizations following suit by preaching peace.

“In Benin we have no enemies even less adversaries, we are just people with different opinions, a difference that is the richness of Beninese culture,” said the regional delegate of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Atacora and Donga, Dieudonné Kiatti. In the name of the mediator of the republic, he urged the youth to cultivate everyday acts, actions, attitudes and behaviors of peace.

Before lighting and raising the flame of peace to demonstrate their deep commitment to this cause, the Atacora Maguidi Prefect Kora Gbéré and the Mayor of Natitingou Antoine N’da, welcomed this initiative of the youth movement for the safeguard of peace and democracy. They also invited all the people of Benin and especially the youth of Atacora to engage in peace as the weapon of battle.

With a motto taken from the quote of Felix Houphouet Boigny “Peace is not an empty word but a behavior”, the movement “It’s now or never”, will cross all Benin with stops in some cities of the country.