Can peace be achieved in South Sudan?

It was back in 2015 that we reported on a peace agreement in the long war in South Sudan. At the time Nonviolent Peaceforce told us that “While the signing of the agreement is not a guarantee of peace, it is a public declaration of constructive, peaceful and positive intentions to end the war. Having been on the front line of the conflict since the first day, the Nonviolent Peaceforce team is greatly relieved at the signing of the agreement and we want to extend our appreciation and support to the parties as they move into this new phase. We look forward to seeing strong, people centred leadership and action to move into the implementation of this agreement starting with an urgent and immediate cessation of hostilities. Getting to peace is as complicated if not more so than getting to war. The road ahead will be a long one that will take the dedication of all South Sudanese and the support of the international community to engage in reconciliation, justice and reconstruction.

Since then the struggle goes on to make the peace agreement take hold, and we continue to report on whether progress is being made.

Here are the CPNN articles on this subject:

South Sudan : Community leaders in Unity state pledge to promote a culture of peace

Sudan: Darfur deal welcomed by UN chief as ‘historic achievement’

Humanitarian community praise Sudan PM’s visit to Nuba Mtns

Churches in South Sudan promote “three pillars of peace”

The women who helped bring down Sudan’s president

Southern Sudanese leaders agree to promote a culture of peace

South Sudanese speak on new peace deal

South Sudan Chapter of African Union Master Plan Roadmap “Practical Steps To Silencing The Guns By 2020”

‘Back to Learning’ education campaign to benefit half a million children in South Sudan

Nonviolent Peaceforce in South Sudan: The extremes of the human spirit

Winners of Youth Innovation Challenge to Engage in Peacebuilding in South Sudan

Beating the drum for peace: A chat with the general secretary of the South Sudan Council of Churches

Peace Agreement in South Sudan

Nonviolent Peaceforce: Urgent Update from South Sudan

Nonviolent Peaceforce: Women’s Peacekeeping Teams incorporated into South Sudan communities

Sudan Open University Graduates Sign Peace Pledge

Children’s Thoughts on Peace: Marking 1 Year of Civil War in South Sudan

Sudan: Unamid Organizes Cultural Festival in Mellit

How One Agency Is Trying to Bring Peace to Sudan

Emma’s War: A Book Review