How can a culture of peace be established in the Middle East?

As we look back over the past few years of CPNN articles on this subject (see below), it is clear that the key to peace in the Middle East is justice for the people of Palestine.

See also the related discussion, Presenting the Palestinian side of the Middle East; Is it important for a culture of peace?

World Court Condemns Israeli Apartheid

When Nothing Else Works to End Israeli Genocide of Gaza, Urge Governments to Use UN General Assembly Res 377 “Uniting For Peace” for Peace in Palestine

‘It’s Time To Give Peace Another Chance’: Thousands Gather for Israeli-Palestinian Peace Conference in Tel Aviv

‘Glimmer of Hope’ as UN Security Council Approves Gaza Cease-Fire Resolution

Advances by the anti-war left in Israel: Interview with Uri Weltmann

“We should focus on the culture of peace”: 25th demonstration in Bourges (France) for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza

A joint statement for peace by 31 Israeli human rights organizations

Search for Common Ground in Israel and Palestine

The women leading the fight for peace in Palestine: Women in Black

18 Years of BDS. 18 Years of Impact in Turning Darkness into Light

Egypt, Jordan, Algeria, Palestine, Arab League reiterate commitment to supporting Al Quds

#NowIsTheTime – A global call to President Biden

Thousands of Jews and Arabs Rally in Tel-Aviv for Peace and Coexistence

Richard Falk: A Palestinian Balance Sheet: Normative Victories, Geopolitical Disappointments

Mazin Qumsiyeh: Suggested electoral platform/program for Palestine

‘We’re taking responsibility’: Sixty teens announce refusal to serve in Israeli army

Palestine: 15 lessons from 15 years of BDS

Palestine Must Live: An Online Petition

UN commemorates International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

Australia: Antony Loewenstein wins the 2019 Jerusalem (Al Quds) Peace Prize

Manifesto on diversity: the Land of Canaan

Dr. Garbis Der-Yeghiayan Elected Chair of Rotary Middle East Initiative Council

BDS Victory: Irish Senate Approves Bill Boycotting Israeli Settlement Goods

Israelis ‘Blacklists’ 20 pro-BDS Groups Banned from Entry, Including Nobel Winners AFSC

Ahed Tamimi: The Mandela of Palestine?

The Elders applaud Palestinian reconciliation; renew call for end to blockade of Gaza

USA: Israel-Palestine statement by the Mennonites takes a ‘third way’

Tel Aviv rally for two-state model

Jordan: RC societies meeting kicks off Tuesday to promote culture of peace

Conférence pour la paix au Proche-Orient – Déclaration conjointe

Middle East Peace Conference Joint Declaration

The Elders welcome Paris Mideast peace conference, urge all P5 states to show leadership

The Elders welcome Paris conference as step towards two-state solution for Israel-Palestine

March of Hope gathers 20,000 in historic Jerusalem rally

The Elders welcome Iranian nuclear agreement as boost to Middle East peace

The Elders applaud Palestinian unity agreement

The Elders support Palestinian move to sign international treaties

Jordan River Conference

Under the Same Sun: A film for Israel and Palestine

Peace through Commerce in Israel and Palestine

The Elders welcome UN recognition of Palestine as an observer state

The Gaza Peace Center organizes a workshop on freedom of expression

A Letter from the Palestinian nonviolence Resistance

Breaking Them Down: Walls that Block People and Walls that Block Words

“Colors from Palestine” Calendars and Cards

Four Opportunities to Visit the Holy Land