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Les Nations Unis et la Culture de Paix
Le Mouvement Mondial pour une Culture de Paix
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January 26, 2015

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UN ‘barbershop’ conference aims to dispel stereotypes, promote gender equality Iranian Films Fly to 3 Countries
"the initiative aims to supports non-discriminatory and non- sexist male attitudes between men, commit to discussing the role of men in realizing gender equality within the UN, and further engage men to end violence against women and girls." "The Iranian cinema is a unique one of its type because of its exclusive properties. It is empty from violence, immorality, affronts and insults and discourtesy."
Women working for peace in Israel A Life Free of Violence Is Our Right!
"video about a group of women formed after last summer’s Gaza war who go out every Friday to different locations around Israel encouraging people to vote in the upcoming elections for whichever party they think will push for a peace deal to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict." "In the past ten years UNIFEM has made great strides with the help of the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, and to bring this issue to the table of the international community."
UN Asia-Pacific forum opens meeting to advance gender equality The Nobel Peace Prize for 2011
"More than 700 representatives from governments, inter-governmental organizations, UN bodies and civil society in Asia and the Pacific began meeting today [19 November] to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment" " It is the Norwegian Nobel Committee’s hope that the prize to Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee and Tawakkul Karman will help to bring an end to the suppression of women that still occurs in many countries, and to realise the great potential for democracy and peace that women can represent. "
Meet Carine Novi Safari, Democratic Republic of Congo Peace Sculptures by Women in Mexico
"Carine is playing an important role in bringing sorely needed resources and support to Congolese women doing remarkable work—under difficult circumstances." "The scuptures were among 20 presented by the artist and FEMU member Glenda Hecksher to a cycle of round tables entitled, War and Peace"
Angkhana Neelapaijit: A crusader of human rights and dignity in Thailand The Day of the Girl Has Come
"Angkhana Neelapaijit is the Chairwoman for the Justice for Peace Foundation, and has been termed "a leading human rights defender in Southern Thailand," by Amnesty International." "a MUST SEE video that embodies what has happened to the young 14 year old girl “Malala” in Pakistan "
Subscribe to meet remarkable women activists during 16 Days of Activism International Women´s Day: Interview With Leymah Gbowee (Liberia)
"a global annual campaign that brings attention to gender violence and highlights the work of activists all over the world." "The Liberian women peace movement demonstrated to the world that grassroots movements are essential to sustaining peace; that women in leadership positions are effective brokers for peace; and the importance of culturally relevant social justice movements. "
Dr. Widad Akrawi Receives the Pfeffer Peace Award Advancing Women at the United Nations
"Dr. Widad Akrawi, a Danish citizen of Kurdish ancestry, is considered one of Scandinavia’s most successful female human rights defenders and peace advocates . . . as well as the co-founder and president of Defend International - a nongovernmental organization devoted to peace, democracy, diplomacy, human rights, and medical research." "A warrior culture, promoted daily by mass media, needs to be transformed through socialization and education for peace"
Opening of the first International Women's Congress in Oran, Algeria Ani DiFranco: more than just music
"it is the women that transmit the values ​​of equality, compassion and cooperation. They should participate in the debate of ideas now to build the foundations of a culture of peace. " "Her music is very positive. It makes you want to go out and change the world. Her music itself is really cool."
Ouverture du premier Congrès international féminin à Oran A Battered Woman's Shelter: Not what I expected
"ce sont les femmes qui transmettent les valeurs d’égalité, de compassion et de coopération. Elles doivent intervenir dans le débat d’idées dès maintenant pour construire les fondements de la culture de paix" "Hopefully such success stories will allow more shelters to open, since for every woman staying in the shelter there were many more turned away from lack of space."
Remembering our friend and colleague, Efua Dorkenoo Cuba’s Achievements in the Area of Gender Acknowledged
"For more than three decades, “Mama Efua” was a pioneering leader in the global movement to end female genital mutilation" "the high level of women’s incorporation to decision-making positions, which she said is significant as compared to the rest of Latin America and even Europe "
Igualdad Ya llora la muerte de Efua Dorkenoo, amiga y compañera Plaza de Mayo Grandmothers received Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize at UNESCO Headquarters
"Durante más de treinta años, “Mama Efua” lideró de forma pionera el movimiento global para poner fin a la mutilación genital femenina" "to locate the biological families of children kidnapped during the political repression of the military dictatorship in Argentina. It seeks to ensure that such violations of children’s rights never happen again"
Egalité Maintenant pleure la mort de notre amie et collègue, Efua Dorkenoo For Nigerian girls, education is the key that opens doors to progress
"Depuis plus de trois décennies, « Mama Efua » était une pionnière à la pointe du mouvement international pour mettre fin aux mutilations génitales féminines " "Nigerian girls, like my sisters and I, desire and deserve for our aspirations of becoming valued members of society to be realized. Education is the vehicle towards living this dream."
The Girl Declaration: One year in, one year to go One Billion Rising: Playwright Eve Ensler Organizes Global Day of Dance Against Sexual Abuse
"2015 is fast approaching. The Millennium Development Goals expire next September, and it's crucial that the new set of development goals not only includes girls, but puts them at the heart of the agenda." "we are in this together. We now know that violence against women is a global phenomenon and isn’t particular to culture or to nations or to families, but it’s something all of us are impacted by "
UNICEF launches new spots against violence in El Salvador International Seminar for a Culture of Peace: How to Stop Violence against Women [Mexico]
"Aren't you outraged by the violence that affects children and adolescents in El Salvador, asks the visitor at the beginning of the spot, and then he encourages the resident to participate, get involved and come up with ideas to deal with the problem. " "There can be no peace in the world without peace between woman and man in the home "
UNICEF lanza nuevos spots contra la violencia en El Salvador The Thread Project
"¿No te indigna la violencia que afecta las niñas, niños y adolescentes en El Salvador?”, pregunta Visitante al inicio del spot, para luego pasar Residente a animar a participar, involucrarse y proponer ideas frente a este problema" "The World Cloths are a repository of human experience and goodwill; each thread is spun with the story of the individual who sent it."