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Sudan: Unamid Organizes Cultural Festival in Mellit
un articulo por UNAMID Press release in All Africa News Agency

On 18 December 2014, more than 7,000 people attended a cultural festival organized by the African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) in Mellit, North Darfur, to disseminate the culture of peace.

Girls from Kuma welcome the arrival of UNAMID UN photo/Albert Gonzalez Farran

click on photo to enlarge

The event, held under the theme "Darfur: talk Peace Now", brought together youth and families from all tribes living in the area. The occasion, which included performing traditional peace songs, music and dance as well as carrying white pigeons among attendees, emphasized an atmosphere of peaceful coexistence.

"Such events are important as they link together different communities and foster peace and stability amongst them. We appreciate UNAMID's peace building efforts in Darfur and Mellit in particular," said Mustafa Harry, the executive director of Mellit locality.

He also valued UNAMID's vocational skills training implemented in the locality especially among youth groups in order to improve their life style and their work.

"UNAMID provided remarkable training to the youth in this locality. They gained various skills which enable them to contribute to their community development and build a better future for themselves" added the executive director of the locality.

UNAMID's Team Site Police Commander, Captain Victor Olitin reaffirmed UNAMID's commitment to its mandate in civilian protection, facilitating humanitarian assistance and supporting peace process in Darfur through collaboration with the government and local community members.

"UNAMID offers all its efforts to bring peace to Darfur in accordance with its mandate; thus cooperation with the government, local authorities and community leaders is vital," he said.

UNAMID conducts routine patrols in and around Mellit to ensure stability for the town's population and the displaced people in the neighboring camps.

This is the second cultural event the Mission conducts in Darfur in this month as part of its support to the peace process.


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What can we do for the people of Sudan?,

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I agree that knowledge and awareness need to be shared with others.  We may feel that we can not do enough to make a difference but making others aware is part of the process of change.  Wether we can donate time, money or supplies is not important as long as we show we care.

Este artículo ha sido publicado on line el December 23, 2014.