New documentary highlights daily commitment of teachers around the world
un articulo por Education International
Video: Day of a teacher
Dawn is breaking. Teachers around the world begin their day...
While each of the respective regions these teachers live in has its
distinctive features, its diversity of landscape, culture and history, a
common desire unites them all: to impart knowledge to those they
teach, to help them reach their full potential. 
click on photo to enlarge
A new documentary produced by Education International with
support from the Open Society Foundations has been launched in
conjunction with this years' World Teachers' Day. It follows teachers
from all over the world - in countries such as Argentina, Togo,
India, or Belgium - to shed light on what teachers’ everyday lives
look like around the world. Entitled ‘One day in the life of a
teacher’, the film highlights similarities and differences, as well as
challenges faced by teachers today.
With a strong focus on teaching and learning, the film also looks at
the human beings behind the profession and the role of teachers in
their community and union, and the consequences of current
policies and reforms they experience. These teachers' voices are a
strong reminder of the fact that quality education remains the basis
for a sustainable, peaceful and prosperous future, the basis of a
world in which education is a right and everyone has equal
opportunities to participate in quality education.
Watch ‘One day in the life of a teacher’ online here.
Education International's Unite for Quality Education campaign ran
from World Teachers' Day last year to World Teachers' Day this year.
Quality education is a focus point on October 5, when teachers
around the globe will be celebrated in classrooms, villages, and
cities for their tireless dedication to the profession. To make
October 5 a day to remember, EI is calling on all members and
colleagues to join in by having their voices heard to ensure world
leaders know how important a quality teacher is in helping students
reach their full potential.
EI is asking everyone to email, text, or tweet their messages of
support for quality education directly to UN Secretary General Ban
Ki-moon. Visit www.5oct.org
for more information on how to participate.
[Thank you to Janet Hudgins, the CPNN reporter for this article.]
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What is the relation between peace and education?,
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Letter from Mohatma Gandhi to Maria Montessori.
To Madame Montessori
Even as you, out of your love for children, are endeavoring to teach children, through your numerous institution, the best that can be brought out of them, even so, I hope that it will be possible not only for the children of the wealthy and the well-to-do, but for the children of paupers to receive training of this nature. You have very truly remarked that if we are to reach real peace in this world and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with children and if they will grow up in their natural innocence, we won't have the struggle, we won't have to pass fruitless idle resolutions, but we shall go from love to love and peace to peace, until at last all the corners of the world are covered with that peace and love for which, consciously or unconsciously, the whole world is hungering.
Mohatma Gandhi, Young India, 19-11-''31