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UN High Level Forum on the Culture of Peace
un articulo por Web page of President of UN General Assembly

On 13 September 1999, the United Nations General Assembly adopted, by consensus, Resolution 53/243 on the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace. Among other things, this Resolution provided the driving force for the implementation of the UN-declared International Decade for Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World (2001-2010). Asserting and re-affirming the commitment of the totality of the United Nations membership to building a Culture of Peace, the General Assembly has been adopting resolutions on the subject every year since 1997.

John W. Ashe, President of the sixthy-eighth session of the General Assembly. UN Photo/Paulo Filgueiras

click on photo to enlarge

The one-day High Level Forum will take place on 9 September, 2014 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. It will comprise of an opening segment and two multi-stakeholder interactive panels and a brief closing segment. The two panels will focus on: (1) the role and contributions of women and the young to the Culture of Peace; and (2) global citizenship as a pathway to the Culture of Peace.

Recognizing the need for continuous support to the strengthening of the global movement to promote the Culture of Peace, as envisaged by the United Nations, particularly in the current global context, the day-long General Assembly High-level Forum will be an important opportunity for Member States, UN entities, civil society, including NGO's, media, and the private sector, and all other relevant stakeholders to have an exchange of ideas and proposals on ways to build and promote the Culture of Peace, as well as to highlight emerging trends and policies that can significantly impact the implementation of this Culture.

The Forum will be opened by John W. Ashe, President of the General Assembly and Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations

Among the speakers:

Leymah Gbowee, 2011 Nobel Peace laureate

Anwarul K. Chowdhury, Former Under-Secretary-General and High Representative of the United Nations

Lakhsmi Puri, Assistant-Secretary-General, UN Women

Ahmad Alhendawi, United Nations Envoy on Youth

Federico Mayor, Former Director-General of UNESCO

Vibeke Jensen, Director, UNESCO office in New York

The event will be broadcast live. Link available at

Click here to register before 4 September.


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What is the United Nations doing for a culture of peace?,

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Following the Second High Level Forum of the United Nations on the Culture of Peace, Anwarul Chowdhury, a former Under-Secretary General of the UN, had this to say about what the UN is doing for a culture of peace.  His remarks were published by the Independent European Daily Express.

Civil society worldwide has been in the forefront of the global movement for the culture of peace, working diligently and patiently at the grassroots level, he said.

"I find it is the governments and power structures which are the most persistent foot-draggers with regard to advancing the culture of peace through policy steps and action," said Chowdhury, a former U.N. under-secretary-general and currently representing civil society and the Global Movement for the Culture of Peace. . .  

The United Nations, he pointed out, has shown great vision by adopting its historic, norm-setting Declaration and PoA on the Culture of Peace in 1999, but has not been organised enough in making the document a system-wide flagship effort of the world body.

"I am a believer that the world, particularly the governments, will come to realise its true value and usefulness sooner than later," Chowdhury said.

Este artículo ha sido publicado on line el August 29, 2014.