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IIPT World Symposium: Cultivating Sustainable and Peaceful Communities and Nations Through Tourism, Culture and Sports
un articulo por The International Institute of Peace Through Tourism (IIPT)

The World Symposium, organized by the International Institute of Peace Through Tourism (IIPT) will be held at Emperors Palace, nearby O.R. Tambo International Airport, Metropolitan Municipality of Ekurhuleni, Gauteng Province, South Africa February 15-20, 2015.

click on photo to enlarge

In announcing the Symposium, IIPT Founder and President Louis D’Amore said, “Our intent will be to harness the Symposium and legacies of Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, Jr. to build bridges of tourism, friendship and peace between South Africa, India and the United States – and other regions of the world.”

The Symposium, which has been endorsed by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, will have two basic aims: to identify strategies and best practice in cultivating productive, sustainable, peaceful and welcoming communities through tourism, culture and sports; and to identify the potential roles of tourism, culture and sports in reconciliation and socio-economic re-development of countries that have experienced conflict with a view towards building sustainable and peaceful nations.

Design of the Symposium will be highly interactive with international experts in community development, community tourism, sports, culture and peace engaging with delegates in the exchange of experiences and ideas; and Ministers of Tourism from countries that have experienced conflict sharing their insights and suggestions related to strategies and best practices for reconciliation, healing wounds of conflict and harnessing tourism, culture and sports in the re-development process.

In addition to Ministers of Tourism from Africa, selected Ministers from countries of Europe, Asia and South America that have experienced conflict will also be invited to participate in inter-active plenary session panels.

As with past IIPT Conferences and Summits, Pre-Symposium events will include a full day Educators Forum and full day Student/Youth Leadership Forum. As well, following the precedent of IIPT’s Fifth African Conference in Lusaka, Zambia, a full day Traditional Leaders Forum is also planned.

As well, a US $2,500 scholarship award will be presented to the inter-disciplinary team of 3-5 students writing the best paper on the Symposium Theme of Building Sustainable and Peaceful Communities and Nations through Tourism, Culture and Sport.

UNWTO The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), which has supported IIPT International events since the First IIPT Global Conference, Vancouver 1988, will again be a partner in the Symposium. The Symposium will be organized in collaboration with UNWTO. South Africa Tourism, Gauteng Tourism, South African Airways and the Metropolitan Municipalities of Ekurhuleni and Johannesburg are Host Partners of the Symposium. Additional Symposium Partners and Host Partners will be announced in the days ahead.

IIPT and Skal International will cooperate in a campaign leading up to the IIPT World Symposium encouraging towns and villages across South Africa to declare themselves as IIPT/Skal Peace Towns (or Villages).


Pregunta(s) relacionada(s) al artículo :

How can tourism promote a culture of peace?,

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Comentario más reciente:

Why tourism?

Can tourism be seen as an instrument to achieve complicity between people’s minds?

“There is nothing better that connects two people’s mind than a good conversation” The above quote could be used to describe the effect which tourism has on people. Like a great conversation, tourism could be said to play a vital role amongst people all over the world. It fosters communication in all its senses, intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding.  

In today’s world it is evident that there is a shortage of moral or ethical values amongst people across the different nations in this world, resulting in a globalised world lacking these morals and ethical values. Ignorance, the failure to consider the needs of others, and selfishness are a few of the ways which hinder us from embracing diversity and a common human perspective, which  would result informal empathy, internal moral compassion, tolerance of differences, historical consciousness and interpretation. The above mentioned features are intrinsic, inherent and can be found in the practice of tourism.

Tourism has been emphasized as one of the most effective instruments which continue to tackle to tackle social and economical poverty, as well as encourage the culture of peace practice amongst people. In looking at the UN architecture, one is able to see the growing implications which the tourism sector has on the world and world policies. . ... continuación.

Este artículo ha sido publicado on line el August 22, 2014.