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“Human Rights and 23rd Century Movement” Interview with Marta Benavides
un articulo por Javier Collado Ruano, Director of Edition at Global Education Magazine

In December 2013, we celebrate the 65º anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights. For this reason, Global Education Magazine interviews a special person to commemorate it: Ms. Marta Benavides. She is an international activist working on culture of peace, sustainability, inclusiveness, human rights and women equality. She was one of the 33 Laureates of the Women´s World Summit Foundation Prize for Women´s Creativity in Rural Life in 2003, and she is currently the Co-Chair at Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) which “is about development of peoples movements to accompany the peoples who challenge the systems of injustice and exploitation, and the structures that cannot but result on impoverishment and lack of peace”.

click on photo to enlarge

In my opinion, world-society should be based on a new awareness focused on ethics, solidarity and cooperation as essential values for the common future of humanity. A humanity which has a complex pluriculturalism, which is inherited from the same genetic code: cosmic-biological and cultural- historical, as we proceed from the same cosmic post-Big Bang evolution. Consequently, the existence of human life implies making out a new collective and transhumanist horizon. Headed for that horizon, Human Rights are a lighthouse and a reference point that helps 21st century sailors to understand the transnational values, autopoietic life, multidimensional dignity, transcultural equity, trans humanist solidarity, planetary coexistence, global peace, complex knowledge, and cosmic freedom more easily.

For all that reason, we talk in the interview about the dictatorships of Latin America in the 70 ´s, about the conference “Building a Global Citizens Movement” celebrated in South Africa last month, about Global Citizenship Education, about the global panorama of poverty, about the example of Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King, about her dreams for the future, about Declaration of Human Rights, as well as the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations, where she reflected “the UN plays a most important role in the discernment of what is going on in the world, the whys and how of that, and on what can and must be done to guarantee quality of life for all present and future generations and for the care of Mother Earth.”

The full interview can be read here.

[Editor's Note: According to Benavides in the interview, The “23rd Century Movement for Sustainable Peace” is a movement to practice culture of peace, which is based on sustainability principles, the mindfulness of who we are, and the power we are.]


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Once again, as they have done now each year since 2009, the Nobel Women's Initiative provides biographies of 16 women leaders involved in local action for peace and justice around the world, and in particular to stop violence against women.  Last year's biographies were listed in the CPNN discussionboard.

Este artículo ha sido publicado on line el December 31, 2013.