Bolivia: March of University Students to Promote Culture of Peace


An article by Roberto Patiño, El País online (translated by CPNN)

As part of the activities for the International Day against Violence towards Women, the students at Dominic Savio Private University (UDPS) staged a march with signs and banners that carried messages for a Culture of Peace.


With T-shirts and white blouses, without firecrackers or thunderous noise, they arrived at the Plaza Luis de Fuentes and held a simple meeting. According to UPDS student, Paola Piotti, it we need to understand that the culture of peace is the only way to overcome violence in the country. She stressed that they did not shout or sing in the march because peace is transmitted through a silence in which everyone can be in communion.

For her part, the Secretary of Women and Family for the Municipal Government of Tarija, Patricia Paputsakis, remarked that these young people have committed themselves to stop the violence and to be agents of transformation in a campaign launched by her office.

She maintained that a “Culture of Peace is a change in attitudes and behavior so that we resolve differences through non-violent practices, through dialogue, conciliation and mediation. It does not involve hitting, insults or psychological violence.” In turn, the rector of UDPS, Mary Virginia Ruiz, said that the phrase Culture of Peace denotes harmony and love. Although problems persist they can always be solved through dialogue, and it is the women who can put a stop to violence.

(click here for the original article in Spanish)

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