Inter-institutional link to promote a culture of peace between Ecuador and Peru


An article from the Technical University of Loja (translated by CPNN)

Through the UNESCO Chair of Culture and Education for Peace, the Technical University (UTPL) and the Binational Development Plan for the Border Region have established an inter-institutional link for research, education, communication and culture to strengthen the culture of peace as a principle of the Ecuador-Peru binational relationship.


Marking the agreement, the chair has organized a roundtable discussion: “The Ecuador-Peru border area integration and peace” on Thursday, May 7, at 10:00, at the Technical University of Loja, auditorium 5, Building 7. It will be attended by Vicente Rojas, executive director of the Binational Plan, Chapter Peru; Paola Inga, executive director of the Binational Plan, Chapter Ecuador; and professor Carlos Garcia of the UTPL.

The discussion group is to analyze and show the development opportunities in the area of ​​Ecuadorian-Peruvian border integration, based on a culture of peace and harmonious coexistence between man and the environment.

UTPL is responsible for the UNESCO Chair of Culture and Education for Peace. According to the agreement, activities will be established throughout the year for training processes for peaceful conflict resolution, international and bi-national encounters, academic events, and strengthening of binational organizational networks promoting social cohesion among Ecuadorians and Peruvians and meetings to ensure peaceful coexistence and good neighborliness.

The culture of peace is one of the three principles of the bilateral relationship between Ecuador and Peru and it is the main line of integration. The other two principles are humans as beginning and end, and Latin American integration.

(Click here for the original Spanish version of this article)

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