World Peace Foundation, DR Congo: Vision, Mission, Activities and Projects in 2015


an article by John Mukhuta Muhiana, World Peace Foundation, DR Congo (abridged)


The vision for the creation of the World Peace Foundation was born in 1999 by MrJohn MUKHUTA MUHIANA out of concern following the murderers events in Democratic Republic of Congo’s, his country of origin as well as on Africa continent and the planet Earth ; not only physically but also spiritually. . .

Mukhata John


The World Peace Foundation is a nonprofit organization created and operating in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Its activities concern all people of the world in general and the DR Congo in particular. Its major objective is the restoration of the culture of peace through the teaching and seminars it organizes and to transmit messages of peace. To achieve this mission, the Foundation proposes to bring back the people to individual and collective consciousness in order to change and improve the their lives and to find their place in this world. . .


The activities of the mothers

Since mothers are the educators of all strata of the population, they have a place in the activities organized by the foundation of world peace because peace and the welfare of humanity involves everyone and affects everyone. For to educate a woman you educate a nation. Our project “Empowerment of women” provides self-management skills to support their families. The pilot project was initiated on the basis of 60 women divided into 4 groups with 15 members each, and it may be extended depending upon demand.


Short term: Construction of a peace village on a plot of more than five hectares owned by the World Peace Foundation to include a school of peace, and orphanage for boys and girls, a library, housing for the coordinators, housing fo visitors, a clinic, a stadium, etc. The Project is being developed and continues to seek funding from people of good will or donors for its materialization.

Long term: We have acquired a new plot of over 10 hectares in Kasaji through our branch in Kasaji. This land will house the construction of the University of Peace. At the same time we want to establish branches of the World Peace Foundation everywhere in DR Congo and why not outside the country as well . . .

(Click here for a French version of this article)

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