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Les Nations Unis et la Culture de Paix
Le Mouvement Mondial pour une Culture de Paix
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January 18, 2015

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Cuban movement for peace and sovereignty of peoples World Social Forum in Belem, Brazil
"Many tasks lie ahead in their efforts to transmit and instill a civic culture of peace . . . Among the many tasks with the aim of promoting peace, the Cuban Movement continues to advocate for the elimination of nuclear weapons and general disarmament." "the indigenous peoples spoke as an important voice of the forum ... They came in their warpaint; one indigenous woman explained to me that they consider themselves engaged in a fight to save their forest from exploitation and destruction "
Movimiento Cubano por la Paz y la Soberanía de los Pueblos World Social Forum 2008 and 2009: Meeting defines mobilisation schedule for process and working groups
"Muchas tareas tienen por delante en su empeño por trasmitir e inculcar una cultura de paz ciudadana, . . . Entre las múltiples tareas con el objetivo de promover la paz, el Movimiento Cubano continuará abogando por la eliminación de las armas nucleares y el desarme general." "The meeting had two main agendas: the preparation for the week and day of mobilisation and global action (January 26 2008) and discussions on the first initiatives towards 2009 event organisation"
Mining interests in Guatemala challenged by indigenous direct democracy WikiLeaks: The Latin America Files
"Communities have increasingly returned to the consulta to express their disapproval of mining and extractive projects in their territories. The consultation held in Santa Maria Chiquimula is the 73rd consultation held since 2005 within the Mayan communities of Guatemala. In each case, the communities have voted overwhelming against the mega-projects in their territories." "Information is power. . . What we citizens of the Western Hemisphere do with that power will become the ultimate legacy of the WikiLeaks experience. "
Queretaro, Mexico: Congress on Building Communities in Peace Culture of Peace Advances in Brazil
"The culture of peace is a set of values, attitudes, traditions and behaviors based on respect for life and the end of violence. . . Violence is not part of human nature." "Local government commissions for the culture of peace are spreading in Brazil."
Querétaro, Mexico: Congreso Construyendo Comunidades en Paz Diego Rivera, the Father of Guadalupe
"La cultura de paz es un conjunto de valores, actitudes, tradiciones y comportamientos basados en el respeto a la vida y el fin de la violencia. . . La violencia, no forma parte de la naturaleza humana." "how Diego Rivera, a man impassioned about his own dream of a Culture of Peace, painted for his people"
Brazilian Indians secure nationwide land victory The Three Heroines of Guatemala: The Judge, the Attorney General and the Nobel Peace Laureate
"We indigenous peoples have shown that we will never allow our lands to be recolonized, invaded or destroyed, even if that means sacrificing our own lives" "a historic moment, the first time in history that a former leader of a country was tried for genocide in a national court . . . Guatemala has set an example for the world, away from violence and impunity "
Los indígenas de Brasil consiguen una victoria territorial a escala nacional Peace Sculptures by Women in Mexico
"Los pueblos indígenas demostramos que, incluso sacrificando la propia vida, jamás admitiremos (…) la recolonización, usurpación y expoliación de territorios." "The scuptures were among 20 presented by the artist and FEMU member Glenda Hecksher to a cycle of round tables entitled, War and Peace"
Panama opens a truth commission on US invasion Eco-Citizen Programme : Urban Agriculture for Vulnerable Youth
"Among other issues, the victims demand that Washington recognize the invasion, compensate the country and say where are the mass graves have been buried hundreds of Panamanians, besides declaring December 20 as a day of national mourning" "planting of vegetable gardens and medicinal herbs ... awakens new interests and perspectives for the youth"
Panamá abre una comisión de la verdad sobre la invasión Hope in Venezuela
"Entre otras cuestiones, las víctimas exigen que Washington reconozca la invasión, indemnice al país y diga dónde se encuentran las fosas comunes donde habrían sido enterrados cientos de panameños, además de declarar el 20 de diciembre como día de duelo nacional." "take notice of the fledgling grassroots democracy in Venezuela, because it could be the start of a new chapter in the struggle for a global culture of peace."
People's Summit in Peru: “The Earth is burning, let´s change the system!” The Motorcycle Diaries
"Thousands of Peruvians from the coast, Andes and Amazon joined their voices along with citizens from over thirty countries that came to Lima for the United Nations climate talks and the People’s Summit." "a classical road movie ...beautiful scenery and a feeling that you are looking into the soul of America"
Confederación Campesina del Perú presente en marcha de Cumbre de Pueblos Photo exhibit promotes culture of peace
"Los dirigentes que llegaron a Lima en representación de las bases provinciales y regionales, esperan que esta movilización pacífica sea un ejemplo de hermandad, y compromiso de todos los pueblos con la defensa de la madre tierra. " "'Our whole generation has the power and responsibility of improving our society' "
Brazil: Truth Commission details ‘Dirty War’ Atrocities, Calls for Prosecutions The Law of Mother Earth: Behind Bolivia’s Historic Bill
"In addition, the commission proposed creating a body to monitor the adoption of its recommendations for addressing past abuses, and to examine and promote measures to end the continued use by security forces of torture and other abusive practices documented in the report." "Mother Earth is a living dynamic system made up of the undivided community of all living beings, who are all interconnected, interdependent and complementary, sharing a common destiny"
Brasil: Comissão da Verdade Expõe Atrocidades da Ditadura Cuba’s Achievements in the Area of Gender Acknowledged
"Além disso, a Comissão propôs a criação de um órgão para monitorar a adoção de suas recomendações quanto aos abusos cometidos no passado, bem como para examinar e promover medidas para acabar com a prática atual, pelas forças de segurança, da tortura e de outros abusos documentados no relatório." "the high level of women’s incorporation to decision-making positions, which she said is significant as compared to the rest of Latin America and even Europe "
Colombia and Mexico: Diploma on Culture of Peace and Forgiveess Brazil's first indigenous woman lawyer beats prejudice to battle for land rights
"education, training and support to train multipliers that sow political culture of forgiveness and reconciliation in their neighborhood, parish, company, school, university and family, working on the advent of peace and progress of communities and individuals." "I know lots of strong women with strong voices. You just need to push them to be part of the process"
La cultura de la paz y el perdón en un diplomado de Colombia para México Union teachers will promote a culture of peace in the classroom
"capacitar multiplicadores, que siembren la cultura política del perdón y la reconciliación en su barrio, parroquia, empresa, colegio, universidad y familia, colaborando en el advenimiento de la paz y del progreso de las comunidades y de las personas" "Dialogue, respect, non-violence, teamwork are some of the values . . . promoted in this project initiated by the National Union of Education Workers"