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The 2012 Peace Story : A Global Call to Action
un articulo por Push4peace

Over the past few decades, there has been an exponential growth of peacebuilding efforts quietly emerging around the world. This emergence has spread over multiple sectors of society and across a continuum ranging from inner to international peace.

click on photo to enlarge

In 2012, a group of strategic partners is catalyzing a worldwide celebration of these diverse efforts as part of a growing wave of peace. Their aim is to reach one billion people and inspire a billion actions for peace. This period of celebration and action, centered around the International Day of Peace on September 21, 2012: Sustainable Peace for a Sustainable Future, extends from June 13th through December 22nd.

June 13: 100-day countdown begins to the International Day of Peace 2012, (IDP) announced by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon.

June 20-22: At Rio+20, youth representing the United Religions Initiative, in cooperation with hundreds of groups from all over the world, will announce: Take the Pledge! I will take actions for peace in 2012.

June 21–September 21: Summer of Peace 2012 – a ninety-day global celebration and call to action for inner and outer peace. The Summer of Peace 2012, ending on the International Day of Peace, will build momentum for Push4Peace.

September 11–21: 11 Days of Global Unity – a campaign that highlights 11 dimensions of change that call forth the values, spirit, and service needed to move us towards a culture of peace and a world that works for all.

September 21: The United Nations International Day of Peace is celebrated annually on September 21st. At noon on this day every year, people around the world take a moment of silence for the prayer of peace: May Peace Prevail On Earth; and there is a united call for a global ceasefire, as a wave of right relationship and wise stewardship in the spirit of peace sweeps the globe, from New Zealand onward. This year, EarthDance, Peace One Day,, Project Peace On Earth, and others will host global concerts and events with an International Day of Peace focus.

September 21–December 21: Push4Peace – a ninety-day global call to action for peace beginning on the International Day of Peace. During this period, the UN IDP committee, PeaceJam, Summer of Peace 2012, the Culture of Peace Initiative, and many other groups and individuals will come together to create a wave of peace action around the world.

December 22: The Shift Network’s Birth 2012 on December 22nd will mark the culmination of the outpouring of goodwill and action on behalf of a culture of peace with events around the globe.

Throughout the 100 days, MasterPeace will call for cooperation ultimately taking us beyond 2012 … leading to International Day of Peace 2014; and PeaceJam will call for Global Actions for Peace - A challenge to solve the most pressing issues facing our world – ten global issues named by Nobel Laureates, and Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots is calling for actions for peace.


Pregunta(s) relacionada(s) al artículo :

How are you celebrating Peace Day?,

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Comentario más reciente: :

It is difficult to find extensive listings of the many events celebrating the International Day of Peace around the world.  An exception is the United Religions Initiative which lists events for the IDP 2014 by their affiliates in Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria, Nepal, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Bulgaria, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, United States and the Philippines.

Este artículo ha sido publicado on line el August 29, 2012.