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The PRI to propose a National Commission for the Culture of Peace in Mexico
un articulo por La Cronica de Hoy

The members of the Partido Institutional Revolucionario (PRI), in the House of Representatives have proposed to create a National Commission for the Culture of Peace and Non-violence, with the objective to influence public policies, for tolerance, equality and the prevention of violence.

click on photo to enlarge

Rafael Yerena Zambrano, the federal deputy of the PRI, explained that the creation of such a decentralized organ would help to overcome the present situation of violence in the country.

He emphasized that his proposal is based as much on the Constitution as it is based in various international agreements initiated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

"We need to consolidate our democratic system by means of a true interaction of dialogue and responsible participation in a genuine democracy based on the voice of people through non-violent expression,” he said

Yerena Zambrano made the point that women and men by the simple fact of their existence, have the right to peace and the means for the responsible exercise of their freedom within the society.

The PRI legislator called attention to the fact that Mexico experienced a major backward movement in its level of peace between years of 2008 and 2009, when it fell from a position of 93 to 108 on the international level, underlining the urgency to foment a culture of peace and non-violence in public policies.

(Click here for a Spanish version of this article)


Pregunta(s) relacionada(s) al artículo :

Can the culture of peace be established at the level of the state?,

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Comentario más reciente: :

The state has come, over the centuries, to monopolize the culture of war.  It would require a radical change in its very nature for it to abandon the culture of war and adopt a culture of peace.

For details on how the state has come to monopolize the culture of war, see The History of the Culture of War

Este artículo ha sido publicado on line el April 10, 2012.