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Discrimination and Exclusion of the Disadvantaged Older People
un articulo por Frank Sarpong &Tracy Jennifer Arach

Old age they say "IS AN ASSET OF WISDOM". However, in Africa it has become a nightmare in the eyes of many.

Older woman caring for the grand children

click on photo to enlarge

In the African traditional society older people play a fundamental role in settling disputes, serves as opinion leaders, pass on to wisdom to the new generation, caretakers of vulnerable children, etc.

In recent times however older people are faced with a lot of challenges in regards to discrimination and exclusion in accessing social services such health, functional adult literacy education, poverty eradication services, HIV/AIDS. In other African societies older people are branded as a witch which stigmatizes them and compromises their dignity to lead healthy and active lives.

To address the above challenges confronting the elderly. There is a strong need to advance social protection issues for older people to enable them create demands and advocate tirelessly for more effective services.


Pregunta(s) relacionada(s) al artículo :

How are the older people treated in your community ?, Discrimination and exclusion

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Comentario más reciente: :

Older people are very important and ambassordors of an intergenerational community.
They must be recognise and protected from all forms of discrimination.

Este artículo ha sido publicado on line el May 1, 2011.