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Sorry Everybody!
un articulo por Charlie

In a winner take all electoral system, sometimes half the population ends up very unhappy. That scenario has occurred in the United States, with the electorate who voted for John Kerry upset and scared at the prospect of four more years of the Bush Doctrine of preemptive war.

Luckily for this significant minority, the Internet has now provided a vehicle for them to share their disappointment and apologies with the rest of the world.

Visit the "sorryeverybody" website, and treat yourself to the wonderful combination of hope and sadness that these Americans apologizing the rest of the world produces. All kinds of different people have posted pictures that contain written apologies, and you can see the range of human emotion in their words and faces, from despair, to hope, to grim determination. There is also anger.

Scattered among these heartfelt and comedic apologies, there are citizens of European countries and Canadians eagerly accepting and embracing the sentiments of liberal Americans. Many offer condolences, some offer residence.

The site also sells merchandise to cover its costs. Any profit will be donated to charity. You can buy clothing, bumper stickers, mugs, and even lunch boxes.

A FAQ section of the website explains the philosophy behind the idea. In a question that reads "Don't you understand that apology is a sign of weakness?" The response reads, "You are free to think so; we are of the opinion that willingness to apologize is a sign of courage and strength."


Pregunta(s) relacionada(s) al artículo :

Can peace be promoted through national elections in the US?,

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Comentario más reciente:

Recently there was an election in Wisconsin which failed to recall (replace) the governor who attacked the trade union movement.  How should this be interpreted?  Here is an excellent analysis which I just received from the Tikkun Network of Spiritual Progressives:

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It is election night in Madison, Wis., and I am standing where it all began, in front of the state Capitol here in the heart of America’s rebel dairyland.

Earlier today was the recall election against Gov. Scott Walker, the viciously right-wing governor whose legislative attacks on public workers and unions sparked a grassroots rebellion in early 2011 involving hundreds of thousands of angry Wisconsinites. The Wisconsin uprising, through its occupation of the Capitol and its sheer massive numbers, inspired people across America and beyond to fight for economic justice in bold new ways, paving the way for Occupy Wall Street in the fall.

For me, the movement was as beautiful as it was personal — I’d gone to college in Madison, taught in the Milwaukee public schools, and organized events in Green Bay. Scott Walker was attacking my old teachers, my students, and my friends. But they fought back, and ####, it looked like they – we! – might actually turn the tide against decades of corporate rule. Standing here outside the Capitol on election day, amidst the glorious Solidarity Singers leading 1,000 people in rousing versions of “Eyes on the Prize” and “Union Maid,” the smell of hope was strong in the summer air.

And then the results came in.

Walker 53%, Barrett 46%.

I saw the blood drain from a thousand faces all at the same time. It wasn’t pretty. . ... continuación.

Este artículo ha sido publicado on line el November 26, 2004.