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When the World Said No to War: A Request for Photos
un articulo por Karen Adler, A Better World Inc.

I am the coordinator of a project bringing together photos taken around the world on the weekend of 14, 15 and 16th February 2003: the weekend the world demonstrated against war.

When The World Said No to War is designed to be a photographic exhibition, education forum and a book. The project is dedicated to the millions of people around the world who took to the streets on the 14th to 16th of February, 2003 in protest against the impending war in Iraq. For many, this was not just a protest against a particular war, it was a protest against all war. For the first time in history, a huge number of people demonstrated against a war before it began.

We are seeking contact with individuals (professional or amateur) who may have taken photos of demonstrations that weekend and would be keen to have them shown internationally, in both an exhibition and an historical book documenting that weekend. We are looking for photos from diverse locations. They can be of one person or one million people demonstrating. The book will also include short essays from individuals from all walks of life about war, peace, or that day.

Interested parties are encouraged to visit the web site of When the World Said No to War and read the information booklet there. The closing date for submission of photographs is 8 December.

I would be grateful if you could forward this message on to your list or just your friends and encourage people to send it on. It is a project which I believe people will be interested in but it relies on the generosity and assistance of many individuals around the world to succeed.


Pregunta(s) relacionada(s) al artículo :

Where were you on 14-16 February 2003?,

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Comentario más reciente: :

a brilliant article! it's so easy to dispair and loose sight of the fact that democratic forces have reached unprecedentd heights in recent years.

I was in the streets of New York on February 15th, 2003, along with over 400 other students from my university (a large chuck of the undergrad population). Sometimes, when you're in the thick of things, you don't realize how sweeping and epochal a single event can be. It wasn't until I purchased a book  called "2/15 - The Day the World Said NO to War," that I realized the scope and impact of the peace movement today. The book is a collection of inspiring and diverse photos from peace protests around the world.

If the exhibition you refer to is anything like the book, I would say it's well worth seeing.

More info on the book can be found here:

Este artículo ha sido publicado on line el October 31, 2004.