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City of São Luís and UNESCO sign partnership for the culture of peace in schools (Brazil)
un articulo por Igor Leonardo, Maranhão 180

Nearly 100,000 students from municipal schools will benefit from the implementation of the project "Peace, how to do it? Sowing a culture of peace in schools." The first step was taken on Tuesday (April 15) with a formalized partnership between the City of São Luís, through the Secretary of Education, and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

click on photo to enlarge

The agreement was signed by videoconference with the UNESCO representative, Alessandra Terra early on Tuesday (15 April). By means of the partnership it will be possible to address the issues of social vulnerability and violence in schools.

(Click here for a Portuguese version of this article)


Pregunta(s) relacionada(s) al artículo :

Peace Studies in School Curricula, What would it take to make it happen around the world?

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Comentario más reciente: :

During the Asian Educators Symposium, we found out that Peace Education is still not part of the school curriculum in most countries. However, the participating teachers have been incorporating peace education in their teaching subjects, such as English, social studies, and character education. We all agreed that love and the will to nurture peace in children are the most important basis for peace education. Even if peace education is not a part of the curriculum, peace can be taught through any subject. Whatever you are teaching, if it comes from the heart, then it will touch the minds of children.

Este artículo ha sido publicado on line el April 21, 2014.