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Cebrapaz participates in the World Forum on Human Rights (Brazil)
un articulo por Vermelho

Brasilia will host , from 10th to 13th December, the World Forum on Human Rights, sponsored by the Department of Human Rights ( SDH ). The event will have the same structure as the World Social Forum and other thematic forums with general activities and self-organized activities.

click on photo to enlarge

Cebrapaz, together with the World Peace Council, Unipaz, the National Islamic Union and other organizations, will hold a roundtable to discuss "human rights and peace." The panelists will including the president of the World Peace Council and Cebrapaz, Socorro Gomes, who will address the issue of human rights and a culture of peace, in which coexistence between peoples and nations is permeated by dialogue, tolerance and respect for religious and cultural diversity, gender equality, free flow of information and knowledge and international peace and security .

The former senator and leader of the Colombia Solidarity March, Piedad Cordoba , will also participate in the debate, which will focus on the issue of human rights of people who are fighting against all kinds of threats and imperialist interventions, those living under occupation and fighting for the right to determine freely and democratically their future.

The Palestinian ambassador in Brazil, Ibrahin Al-Zeben , the Lebanese psychoanalyst and expert on issues of Syria, Claude Hajjar Fahd, and the representative of the National Islamic Union, Sheik Mohammed Bukai will also participate in the debate, addressing the issues of human rights violations against the Palestinian people and the struggle of the Syrian people against the invaders, among others .

(Click here for a Portuguese version of this article)


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Este artículo ha sido publicado on line el December 12, 2013.