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Change the date: fighting violence against young women
un articulo por Virginia Vilches and Ana Braojos (Synergy Spain).

From 23rd to 30th April a group of young people coming from all around Europe gathered in the picturesque town of Ödemis, Turkey, to debate and work on non-violence against women and Gender Equality.

A group of participants learning the traditional Turkish dance

click on photo to enlarge

On the table, there were hot topics such as woman ´s and man´s role in society, the principle of non-discrimination, date violence and gender education. We also analysed the causes, consequences and courses of action of  harassment and gender discrimination at work.

The different cultural and religious backgrounds of the participants were a thought-provoking source of exciting debates and reflexion sessions. All the participants were actively involved and a remarkable progression in the quality of the debates was seen over the week.  

During the last days, we worked in several campaigns on gender violence and defined various projects that participants could implement in the future. Some of the ideas that came out were the set-up of a website with a clear vocation on gender equality, a visual media campaign on non- violence against young women and short-film contest aiming to promote debates on dating violence among youngsters.

During the last days, we worked in several campaigns on gender violence and defined various projects that participants could implement in the future. Some of the ideas that came out were the set-up of a website with a clear vocation on gender equality, a visual media campaign on non- violence against young women and short-film contest aiming to promote debates on dating violence among youngsters.

Another point to remark was Turkish hospitality. Turkish participants welcomed us and made us feel like home during our stay, showing us their lifestyle and sharing their local customs. We lived like real Turkish for one week, getting a broad picture of how the youth of this country live, think and feel.

As a result, participants built a strong network. We created a platform where a free flow of information is continually channelled on many issues, especially gender equality and Human Rights. This also helps us to have an insight perspective of the recent events happening in Turkey.

All in all, great debates, great people and great experience to recommend to everyone.

(Click here for a Spanish version of this article)


Pregunta(s) relacionada(s) al artículo :

Protecting women and girls against violence, Is progress being made?

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Comentario más reciente: :

The 47 CPNN articles devoted to this theme suggest that indeed progress is being made.

Este artículo ha sido publicado on line el July 19, 2013.