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Call for Proposals: Grant for Innovation in Conflict Transformation 2013
un articulo por Berghof Foundation

As of 01 May, 2013, the Grant for Innovation in Conflict Transformation (GIC) programme is calling for proposals, with the thematic focus Youth as change-makers: from conflict actors to peacebuilders. We encourage the submission of project applications, which focus on the roles and nonviolent strategies by which young people contribute to constructive conflict transformation.

Berghof Center in Berlin-Dahlem, Germany

click on photo to enlarge

From child soldiers and urban criminal gangs to civil resistance activists in the Arab Spring, youth have become primary drivers of violent and nonviolent conflict alike. But they are also often at the forefront of peacebuilding efforts through their socio-political grassroots engagement for peace, human security or community development.

This year’s Grant for Innovation in Conflict Transformation focuses on the roles and nonviolent strategies by which young people contribute to constructive conflict transformation.

The call encourages the submission of project proposals based on research, education, arts and practice that are complementary to activities carried out by the Berghof Foundation. The projects we seek to fund should empower young people to act as agents of conflict transformation and to become actively engaged as change-makers and motivated peacebuilders.

We are particularly interested in proposals that offer creative ideas and innovative approaches on:
* Fostering nonviolent strategies and approaches of youth to resist against repression, injustice or foreign occupation
* Developing applicable youth-specific approaches to post-war reconciliation, conflict transformation and peacebuilding
* Dealing constructively with youth-related violence and its root causes
* Strengthening youth organisations as bridge- builders (across borders, ethnic barriers, cultures or social classes)
* Empowering youth as agents for a culture of peace

For further details regarding the call, and for the application process and guidelines please visit the Grantmaking page on this website.

The closing date for proposals is 31 May, 2013 (Berlin time, UTC+1).


Pregunta(s) relacionada(s) al artículo :

Youth initiatives for a culture of peace, How can we ensure they get the attention and funding they desereve?

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Comentario más reciente: :

The original Youth Report for a Culture of Peace is still worth reading as the initial inspiration for the Youth Solidarity Fund of the Alliance of Civilizations.  See

Este artículo ha sido publicado on line el May 14, 2013.