Culture of Peace in the schools of Norte de Minas, Brasil
un articulo por O Norte, Brasil
With the objective of networking for the
prevention and resolution of the problems of
violence in schools, the State Secretariat of
Education (SEE) will hold, as of Monday, March 11,
School Forums for Peace Promotion (FORPAZ). The
actions, initiatives and proposals that address
the culture of peace will be elaborated in
conjunction with the school community of northern
cities of Minas. The meetings, which will involve
350 participants in each city will be held in
Pirapora (11/03), Montes Claros (12/03), Januária
(13/03) and Janaúba (14/03).
FORPAZ in Patrocínio
click on photo to enlarge
Teachers, principals, students, parents,
representatives of the school faculty and other
members of the public, private and third sector,
will be able to experience the programs, projects
and actions developed by the SSE and other
institutions, bodies and agencies already engaged
in (FORPAZ, which contributes to the dissemination
and consolidation of peace promotion in schools.
During the meetings, participants will share their
experiences and receive posters, leaflets and
stickers that publicize the Forum.
In each of the four meetings, FORPAZ will be held
in two stages. The first will feature lectures,
presentations promoting peace initiatives
developed in state schools, among others. The
second stage of the meeting will be focused on
knowledge, debate and elaboration of strategies
for conflict mediation.
According to Assistant Secretary of SEE, Sueli
Pires, the meeting is an opportunity to present to
the school community of Norte de Minas and
institutional partners the possibilities of
service by FORPAZ. "This moment will for listening
and integration. We will have the opportunity to
detect and enhance local partnerships for work in
conflict mediation as a tool in schools. We
encourage ongoing dialogue between schools and the
community" . . .
Currently, 22 institutions, organizations,
entities and bodies work together in FORPAZ,
especially the Public Ministry of the State of
Minas Gerais, through the Special Prosecutor of
Education (Proeduc). During the upcoming events,
there will be the regional launch of the campaign
"Count to 10", promoted by the National Council of
the Public Ministry.
In 2012, FORPAZ was present in five regions of
the state and brought together representatives of
30 regional superintendents of education. In all,
nearly 2500 educators from state and local
networks were trained and sensitized to the
promotion and development of culture of peace in
schools. The first five regional forums were held
in Zona da Mata, Centro-Oeste mineiro, Alto
Paranaíba, Sul, Belo Horizonte and Região
Besides the region of Norte, which receives FORPAZ
between March 11 and 14, it is expected that the
Forum will go in the coming months to Vale do Rio
Doce and Jequitinhonha covering Valadares, Teófilo
Otoni, Almenara, and Araçuaí and Diamantina, and
the region of Vale do Aço.
(Click here for a Portuguese version of this article)
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Comentario más reciente:
During the Asian Educators Symposium, we found out that Peace Education is still not part of the school curriculum in most countries. However, the participating teachers have been incorporating peace education in their teaching subjects, such as English, social studies, and character education. We all agreed that love and the will to nurture peace in children are the most important basis for peace education. Even if peace education is not a part of the curriculum, peace can be taught through any subject. Whatever you are teaching, if it comes from the heart, then it will touch the minds of children.