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Angola, UNESCO sign peace culture forum deal
un articulo por ANGOP, Agência AngolaPress

Angola and UNESCO signed Wednesday [February 13] in Paris a deal in the framework of the Panafrican Forum for a Culture of Peace set for March 26-27 this year in Luanda.

click on photo to enlarge

The accord was signed for Angola by the permanent delegate to UNESCO, ambassador Sita José, and for the UN organisation by the assistant director for External Relations, Eric Falt.

Jointly organised by UNESCO, Angolan Government and the African Union Commission, the forum goes with the theme “Africa: Foundations and Resources for a Culture of Peace” and will be attended by the secretary generals of the UNESCO National Commissions.

The meeting will also be attended by the heads of UNESCO offices to African countries, African Union experts, representatives of UN systems and other intergovernmental organisations, NGOs, media organs and other institutions.

The protocol underlines the excellent relations of cooperation between the Angolan Government and UNESCO, particularly in the contribution to the promotion of sustainable development and inter- cultural dialogue through education, science and culture, which are crucial elements to the UN Education, Science and Culture Organisation.

[The previous forum in this series, held in June 2012 in Abidjian, was described in a CPNN article].

(Click here for a Portuguese version of this article or here for a related French article)


Pregunta(s) relacionada(s) al artículo :

Will UNESCO once again play a role in the culture of peace?,

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Comentario más reciente: :

It is very appropriate that this new impulse for the culture of peace at UNESCO should come from Côte d’Ivoire, since the global movement for a culture of peace was initiated at a UNESCO conference in that country in 1989.  See Yamoussoukro and Seville in the early history of the culture of peace.

Note added on September 2:

The official reports from the UNESCO Conference in Abidjian are now available:



Este artículo ha sido publicado on line el February 14, 2013.