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Students Demand a Culture of Peace [Honduras]
un articulo por La Tribuna

Taking to the streets of San Lorenzo, more than two thousand students have demanded a culture of peace from the local and central authorities of the country, in order to spread it throughout the country, and to achieve peace and tranquility in the Honduran family.

click on photo to enlarge

The event was sponsored by Save The Children and supported by the educational authorities of the municipality San Lorenzo under the direction of Emelda Mendieta. Teachers and students were trained in various workshops.

"A happy tomorrow, promoting peace," read one of the placards carried by the infants during the demonstration that took place in the various city streets of San Lorenzo, in order that the public could be involved in the culture of peace.

Mendieta indicated that Hondurans, especially Sanlorenzanos, want peace, since the country needs the love of God, of neighbor, and the respect of cultural and civic values​​, among others.

The official thanked Save The Children for its support to the training of teachers and students of primary and secondary education, where participants are now "multipliers for peace" in their communities, the peace that all Hondurans yearn for.

Each year more schools join the program which is sponsored by Save The Children.

The district education authority said that about 2300 students were trained on a culture of peace, coming from various schools including Silvio Castro, José Cecilio del Valle, Benito Cerrato, Francisco Morazán, Rosario Carias, Paul VI, etc. .

According to the regional head of Save the Children, Andrés Manuel Aguilar, the agency works for children's rights, and it joins forces with education authorities and parents' associations to raise awareness among the population that education can transform the lives of their children. Aguilar said that "if education changes our lives, it fundamentally promotes a culture of peace where we recognize our rights, our duties and our respect for others". He added that this type of activity for a culture of peace has been developing every year in San Lorenzo and every year there has been more acceptance and support for it by the schools and the general public.

Save the Children supports everything that contributes to promote, form values ​​and strengthen the rights of the child, and in this way these future citizens are better trained and more committed to the struggle for a culture of peace, said Manuel Andres Aguilar.

(Click here for a Spanish version of this article)


Pregunta(s) relacionada(s) al artículo :

Rights of the child, How can they be promoted and protected?

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Comentario más reciente: :

The Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1989, as an important addition to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Este artículo ha sido publicado on line el November 25, 2012.