Peace One Day 2015


Excerpts from the report of Peace One Day

The Peace One Day 2015 Report found that in 2015, around 10% of the world population was aware of peace day and its activities. An estimated 1.5 billion people were exposed to Peace Day messages through activities ranging from dances to media campaigns

A frame from the Peace One Day Video

2015 media campaigns:
Close to 130 million individuals were made aware of Peace Day through collaborative social media campaigns – the UN’s #ForgiveforPeace and USIP’s #PeaceDayChallenge initiatives had 2 billion impressions.

2015 faith groups:
Religious bodies and leaders, including the Catholic Church, the World Council of Churches, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the World Jewish Congress, HH Dalai Lama, Sri Karunamayi, and United Sikhs made over 300 million people aware.

2015 government & UN:
6 million people were made aware through government & UN activities, including the African Union’s Make Peace Happen campaign, and programmes across different UN agencies.

2015 corporate activities:
Corporate activities made close to 170 million aware. Burger King’s McWhopper Peace proposal to McDonald’s generated close to 9 billion impressions and was the single highest contributor towards generating awareness of Peace Day in 2015. Other majorcampaigns included Google’s homepage feature, and Coca-Cola’s Peace Day Anthem ONE.

Iconic monuments across the world were turned into art installations, including the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Austria, the Pyramids in Egypt, the Olympic Stadium in China, and Museu Oscar Niemeyer in Brazil.

In partnership with Zumba Fitness Headquarters in Miami, the #Dance4Peace campaign produced over 600 videos across 67 countries

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One thought on “Peace One Day 2015

  1. je suis content de lire ce rapport synthèse de toutes les activités de la culture de la paix dan le monde et de l’évolution de la paix dans le monde.

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