Dear CPNN readers and reporters,

Many articles in CPNN this month show the great engagement and potential for the culture of peace in Africa. Its roots go back to African peace-making traditions that flourished before the arrival of Europeans. A modern-day version of this is illustrated by the peace-making visit of The Elders, led by Bishop Desmond Tutu, to Sudan. Bishop Tutu is best known for his leadership of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa (See his book No Future without Forgiveness reviewed on CPNN). This month there is recognition for a similar initiative in Rwanda: the Gacaca. Tharcisse Karugarama, the Minister of Justice of Rwanda, is recognized for his leadership of the Gacaca.

In recent times, Africa has pioneered in the process of peace initiatives at a grass roots level during the transition to democracy. The peace process now underway in Somalia reminds one of a similar process that took place during the transition from apartheid in South Africa 20 years ago.

Women have always been leaders for peace in Africa. This month CPNN carries articles on the African First Ladies Peace Mission and on women activists in Egypt. And let us not forget that last year's Nobel Peace Prize honored African women peacemakers.

Throughout Africa there are music, dance and cultural festivals dedicated to the culture of peace. This month there is one in Algeria. In recent months among others, there have been culture of peace festivals in Gabon, Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire.


1000 Youth for Peace

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Culture of Peace is increasingly a priority for educators and journalists in Africa. This month comes news for the first ever culture of peace manual for educators. In recent months there have been articles on initiatives for a culture of peace by journalists in Cameroon, by the periodical Afrique Démocratie, and the African journalists' network Netpeace.

In addition to initiatives within Africa, there is a great potential involvement of the African diaspora, as illustrated by the recent Global African Diaspora Summit.

UNESCO has recognized the African initiatives for a culture of peace. In June, UNESCO sponsored the first of a series of Culture of Peace Forums in Abidjian.

Please continue to send us your articles and help us document and assist in the historical transformation to a culture of peace.

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Rwanda: Karugarama Receives Medal for Guiding Gacaca


World Heritage Site a Haven for African Wildlife


Youth Protagonists of Change


Egyptian women continue the struggle

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The Centre for the Integral Development of Youth in Soacha, Colombia


The Elders visit South Sudan in sombre mood and urge continued dialogue with Khartoum


Renewed optimism as Somalia marks 52 years of independence


U.S. Conference of Mayors Adopts Strong New Mayors for Peace Resolution

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Peace, through struggle,

The CPNN Team