
Rules of the Game

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United Nations and Culture of Peace
Global Movement for a Culture of Peace
Values, Attitudes, Actions
Rules of the Game
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All articles in CPNN express the spirit of a culture of peace. They are:

The report should make a positive contribution by promoting at least one of the eight program areas of a culture of peace (peace education, sustainable development, human rights, women's equality, democratic participation, tolerance and solidarity, free flow of information and/or disarmament and security). CPNN is not intended to censor bad actions or violent media but rather to publish reports on events that cultivate the values, actions and behaviors of a culture of peace.


The content of reports needs to be consistent with the eight program areas for a culture of peace and should not contradict any of them. For example, reports should not advocate violence or intolerance or use stereotyped images or words about other people.


The aim is to write in clear everyday language that can be read and understood by a wide range of visitors to CPNN and that can easily be translated into any other language. Jargon or unusual words should be avoided or defined. Spelling and grammar should be correct.


Reports need to be brief (usually between one paragraph and one page long) and to the point. This is from 300-400 words. Readers do not continue if they find reports are too long or contain irrelevant material.


Reports should show that peace can be exciting, adventurous and eventful. Making peace takes more courage than making war. Reporters and moderators should not avoid conflicting and controversial material, because that would make it seem like peace is boring and passive. Instead, there is an energy in non-violent conflict that can be used constructively and that stimulates dialogue and debate.


Conduct on the Internet should observe the rules of etiquette (called 'netiquette' in Internet jargon). Reporters should not use violent, sexist or racist language. The way that people relate to each other on CPNN should be consistent with the eight keys of a culture of peace.


Reports should be accurate and trustworthy. They should not contain false information. Indicate the source of information. If the source is the author or a witness, the article should be written in first person. If it is from a newspaper or internet report, the source details should be provided so that readers can find the source and read it for themselves.


No one ever has the last word on anything, so reports should give the impression that other readers are invited to give their view on the same news or media event. Even if those views are different, if they are expressed with respect and consideration, the dialogue and debate that follows should be enriching for everyone.


Reports should refer to specific events, projects or productions rather than be vague and over-generalized abstract comments. CPNN articles must reflect actions or media events, but unlike in the commercial media they do not have to be "breaking news." Instead, they may reflect the "slow news" of processes that develop slowly over long periods of time.


Events reported on should be open to a general audience or available to the general public. Please give relevant information on how to access the events or media items which you report on.