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Dialogue in Nigeria -- a new DVD teaching-tool for peacemakers
an article by Libby & Len Traubman

Video: Dialogue in Nigeria

We are pleased to announce, as of January, 2012, a new documentary from Africa for all mankind: Dialogue in Nigeria — Muslims & Christians Creating Their Future. This new film on DVD illustrates what it looks like when diverse young adults, even "enemies" communicate successfully. The principles are universal, beginning with a new quality of listening-to-learn worldwide in homes, classrooms, institutions, communities and nations.

click on photo to enlarge

The 65 minute DVD may be ordered no cost at Because of the urgency on Earth these DVDs will continue to be gifted and mailed to whomever will use them.

In the film, two hundred courageous Christian and Muslim young adults met in face-to-face Dialogue, listening to learn and discovering their equal humanity, new communication skills, and that "an enemy is one whose story we have not heard."

Refusing to be enemies, they are together during days and evenings of the 2010 International Conference on Youth and Interfaith Communication.

They are tense yet excited to finally cross lines of religion, economics, tribe, and gender to transcend the status quo and discover empathy for each other's personal life experiences.

Face to face and in small circles, they begin with ice-breakers and continue in depth to discover one another's equal humanity – fear, grief, needs, hopes, and concrete plans for a shared future.

These determined young Nigerians illustrate how others worldwide can successfully connect and communicate to create authentic community.

The film is produced by the New Era Educational and Charitable Support Foundation, Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria and the Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue Group, San Mateo, California, USA


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How can different faiths work together for understanding and harmony?,

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This report was posted on January 7, 2012.