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What do we tell our children about war?
un article par Joanne Tawfilis

Today, Valentines Day, a day supposedly representative of LOVE, was also a day of hate and violence. Today is the day that Rafiq Hariri, a very great leader and humanitarian was murdered. Hariri, a former Premier of Lebanon was a true patriot who lived his life working for the good of his country.

I live in Europe and those who watch CNN International do get to see news coverage that doesn't always air in the USA. CNN International recently aired an excellent documentary about Rafiq Hariri and the work he has done, the money he has invested from his own personal fortune, and his dream of building the City of Beirut to bring it back to an even better state than before the conflicts and violence and war. What money he invested would likely come back to him, but I believe that was not his motivation.

I remember the CNN documentary that shadowed him walking hand in hand with his grandchild as he pointed out the newly renovated part of the city, explaining to him that the old buildings had been destroyed by war. The small boy looked up at him and asked him "Grandfather, what is war?" He quietly but emphatically said, "War is BAD, people die". I don't remember the remaining dialogue, but I do remember how that touched my heart. It evoked an even stronger commitment to work for a more peaceful tomorrow, especially for our children and grandchildren. Here was a man who lived through war and dedicated his life to peace, and died as a result of yet another violent act.


Question(s) liée(s) à cet article:

Where in the world can we find good leadership today?,

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Commentaire le plus récent:

Once again, as they have done now each year since 2009, the Nobel Women's Initiative provides biographies of 16 women leaders involved in local action for peace and justice around the world, and in particular to stop violence against women.  Last year's biographies were listed in the CPNN discussionboard.

Cet article a été mis en ligne le February 17, 2005.