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Chiapas Joins Forces with the Asociación Menchú Tum to Support the Indigenous Peoples
un article par Péndulo de Chiapas

With the signing of a collaboration agreement, Chiapas Governor Manuel Velasco Coello and Nobel Prize Winner Rigoberta Menchú Tum have joined efforts to strengthen and consolidate just, equitable and inclusive public policy for indigenous peoples and communities of Chiapas. In this context, the Chiapas president said the effort will help indigenous communities on issues related to human rights, education, peace, culture, knowledge, justice system, and community development organization.

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He explained that through the agreement signed between the Government of Chiapas and Menchú Tum Association will work primarily on four points: first, an agenda of human rights and fundamental freedoms will be promoted; second, an exchange of experiences to strengthen the economic capacity and sustainable development of the communities will be achieved; Third, we will work together in the design of strategies to sensitize and raise awareness of the importance of taking care of environmental resources in communities; and the fourth point, promote cultural traditions and ancestral knowledge of indigenous peoples.

"Currently our proud Indigenous peoples retain their roots and continue to make history, tradition and knowledge. Without any doubt, Chiapas has great natural wealth, a great historical and cultural richness; but the most valuable of Chiapas is its people, so we are obliged to preserve their cultural heritage and legacy for future generations, "said the Governor. In that vein Rigoberta Menchú Tum expressed that this act framed a new pattern to achieve harmony between Mexico and Guatemala, through exchanges of experiences and success stories, to consolidate the comprehensive development of indigenous cultures.

He noted that the agreement meets a set of inspirations and dreams to realize, but especially contains a set of initiatives that will heighten indigenous peoples and the state of Chiapas; contributing to the screening of "a culture of peace based not on war but based on harmony; a culture of peace based on education, relevant education that allows for growth in various fields. "

The winner of the Nobel Peace Prize said that gradually more sectors will join this initiative with the participation of citizens, businessmen, poets, musicians, politicians and justice providers. "Chiapas is a rich, prosperous state, and with the signing of this agreement we are making history so that future generations remember us doing and exalting a culture of peace," she said.

(This article is continued in the discussionboard)

(Click here for the original in Spanish.)


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Commentaire le plus récent:

(The following is continued from the main article listed above.)

In this context, Velasco Coello reaffirmed the importance of this agreement, as it represents an important step towards a common front in the implementation of humanist initiatives and actions that favor at all times respect and recognition of the basic rights of the indigenous.

He emphasized that policies are implemented in Chiapas in favor of indigenous peoples based on three pillars: focus on dialogue as a way to achieve peaceful and respectful coexistence between communities; the second pillar is to promote economic and social development of indigenous people to be creators of their own development in a framework of respect for their culture; and the third pillar is to strengthen equity and justice with respect for their individual and community rights through the new system of oral trials and mandatory use of translators, so that indigenous and have access to a fair and impartial justice.

Accompanied by Leticia Velasco Coello, president of the Chiapas DIF ; Rutilio Escandón Cadenas, presiding judge of the Superior Court of Justice and the Judicial Council of Indigenous Mayors and municipalities, the state Executive recalled the Pact for non-aggression and non-violence, and respect for human rights of indigenous communities, that was signed recently with participation by the mayors of the region Altos Tsotsil Tseltal.

He stressed that the indigenous peoples will find  in their government a friend and an ally that endeavors to meet the primary needs and implement strategies that enable families to access better services such as health, education, housing , basic drinking water, electrification, urban and social infrastructure, and promoting respect for their cultural expressions, beliefs and ideologies.
For his part, the Chief Justice of the High Court of Justice and the Judicial Council of the State, said that these actions demonstrate that Chiapas is governed not only to meet present needs but also to achieve a better future for families in Chiapas, basing its actions in respect of human rights for everyone through targeted social programs and a system of plural and impartial justice.

At another point, the president said we have a moral debt to the indigenous peoples of Chiapas, which should be paid with justice and dignity.  He urged officials and people's representatives that make up this initiative to enhance efforts to continue working on behalf of indigenous peoples, so that they can become factors of peace, dialogue, development and unity.

He indicated that the recognition of the identity and rights of indigenous peoples is fundamental to the construction of a unified multiethnic and multicultural Chiapas.

Finally, Velasco Coello expressed appreciation to Rigoberta Menchú Tum, considered one of the main defenders of human rights and indigenous, who is also a goodwill ambassador of UNESCO, as well as winning major awards such as the Nobel Prize Peace and Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation.

"Dear Friend Rigoberta Menchú, I tell you that I share with you the idea that there is no peace without justice, no justice without equality, as it is a prerequisite for democratic development, where the absolute identity of the indigenous peoples and cultures are respected" concluded the Governor.

During this event were also present: Anita Menchú Tum, president of the Association Menchú Tum AC; Mirna Pedrero Camacho, President of the State Congress, and state and federal authorities as well as representatives of indigenous communities.

Cet article a été mis en ligne le June 11, 2014.