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Mobilizing Men for Violence Prevention International Survey
un article par Clay Jones to White Ribbon

A team of researchers from the University of Michigan School of Social Work, the University of Washington, Tacoma Social Work Program and the University of Kansas is conducting an online, international survey of men who have attended an event or events related to preventing violence against women, or who are engaged in violence prevention work in an on-going way. This survey is available in English, French and Spanish.

click on photo to enlarge

If this describes you, they would love to learn from you! If you’d like to participate in the survey please follow the link below – your experiences and insight are very important.

The goals of this survey are to:
- Learn more about what brings men to violence prevention events and longer- term violence prevention work
- Hear what men think about these events, and how they are impacted by participating
- Learn what might encourage more men to get involved in ending violence against women

They are interested in hearing from men who have attended a single violence prevention event AND from men who have been working on the issue of violence against women for any length of time.

This survey asks: - What kinds of prevention events are happening around the world and how men hear about them
- What kinds of topics and activities are incorporated into prevention events
- Men’s perceptions of whether the events impacted their beliefs about violence, or motivated them to take some kind of action related to preventing gender-based violence
- Reasons that men initiated involvement in some kind of gender-based violence prevention event or in on-going work
- Men’s attitudes towards gender-equity
- Men’s behavior, intentions and self-confidence related to taking various actions to end gender- based violence
- Men’s ideas about the most effective ways to get other men involved in preventing violence.

To learn more about the survey and how to participate, click here.

To learn more about the project, click here.

[Note: Thank you to Janet Hudgins, the CPNN reporter for this article.]


Question(s) liée(s) à cet article:

What role should men play to stop violence against women?,

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Commentaire le plus récent:

No More Steubenvilles: How To Raise Boys to be Kind Men

What can we do to help young men respect women, recognize consent, and have healthy sexual relationships? Teach them kindness to others—and the courage to go against the crowd.

by Kim Simon
posted Mar 18, 2013

When Max was just a few months old, I sat cross-legged on the floor with him in a circle of other mothers.  The facilitator for our “Mommy and Me” playgroup would throw a question out to the group, and we would each volley back an answer.

“What quality do you want to instill in your child?  What personality characteristic would you most like for your son to be known for?” she asked.

One by one, the mothers answered.  “Athletic”, “Good sense of humor”, “Brave”, “Smart”, “Strong”.

The answers blended together until it was my turn to speak.  I looked down at the tiny human wiggling around on the blanket in front of me, his perfectly round nose, his full lips that mirrored mine.  I stroked the top of his very bald head, and said with confidence: “kind”.

I want my son to grow up to be kind.

The eyes of the other mothers turned toward me.  “That’s not always a word that you hear used for boys” one said.  “But yes, you’re right … so I guess, me too”.  At the end of the day, we wanted our tiny, fragile, helpless baby boys to grow up to be kind. . ... continuation.

Cet article a été mis en ligne le December 5, 2013.