CPNN is an interactive and moderated Website. It is interactive in the sense that visitors to the Site are invited to act as a reporter by contributing news reports and media reviews. They are also invited to add to discussions about reports or reviews already posted. It is moderated in the sense that unlike discussion which goes directly on-line, the reports pass through a trained moderator who works with the visitor to ensure that the contribution meets the requirements for a CPNN article. For these requirements see the Rules of the Game. The rights and responsibilities of reporters, moderators and mentors are explained on a separate page. Below is a flowchart of the process involved.

1. Report arriving by e-mail from a reporter is automatically forwarded from Website form to co-ordinator(s)

2. First thank-you letter to reporter is sent automatically in response

3. New report is included in update sent by co-ordinator(s) to all moderators daily. Each moderator checks update at least once a week. Days are staggered so at least one moderator checks in each day.

4-5. One or more e-mails are exchanged between moderator and reporter until both consider report is OK

6. Mentor receives and monitors e-mails of moderator until the time comes that both are satisfied that moderator does not need any more training (experienced moderators are invited to serve as mentors so that the site can grow through constant training)

7. When report is OK by all rules, it is sent by moderator to webmaster(s) and co-ordinator(s)

8. Second thank-you letter to reporter is sent when report is accepted to be put on line

9. Webmaster puts report on line with discussion question

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