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Question: Prospects for progress in women's equality, what are the short and long term prospects? CPNN article: Did You Celebrate Women's Equality Day, August 26?
CPNN Administrator
Posted: Dec. 31 1999,17:00

This discussion question applies to the following articles:

Did You Celebrate Women's Equality Day, August 26?
Women vote in Kuwait for the first time
Workshop "Women & Work: Improve Your Skills"
Cuba's Achievements in the Area of Gender Acknowledged
Empowerment of Women Lauded
Film: A metaphor for love
Cine: Una metáfora del amor
Progress of the World’s Women: In Pursuit of Justice
Progrès des Femmes dans le Monde: en Quête de Justice
El progreso de las mujeres en el mundo: En busca de la justicia  
Bhutan’s first woman Gup leads the way for a new generation of women leaders
Égalité hommes-femmes dans les médias audiovisuels: appel a projet et publication d'un vade mecum
Equality between Women and Men in Audiovisual Media: Call for a project and publication of a manual
Indian women rally to back demand for more seats in parliament
UN Asia-Pacific forum opens meeting to advance gender equality
Eight ways 2015 was a momentous year for girls
Tunisia moves closer to achieving gender equality in politics

For more recent articles on this topic, click here.
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Priya Baligadoo
Posted: Mar. 11 2012,12:37

(See below for English translation)

JOURNÉE INTERNATIONALE DES DROITS DES FEMMES: Viva les femmes ! Osez pour un avenir meilleur !

Article paru dans Le Mauricien | 8 mars, 2012 - 16:40 | Par PRIYA BALIGADOO

Tous les couples vont vous le dire : ils vivent dans le quotidien des relations aimantes aussi bien que turbulentes. Malheureusement, chez certains, les conflits aboutissent souvent à une violence extrême. Dans ces cas précis, la femme devient la proie de la colère de l'homme. Prenant avantage de sa force physique, l'homme la tabasse, la violente et va même jusqu'à la tuer. Mais la femme se tait et souffre en silence. On se demande pourquoi ? Est-elle à ce point faible? Pourquoi donc ce mutisme des femmes ? Comment se fait-il que plusieurs d'entre elles se sentent incapables de dénoncer leurs oppresseurs ?

Il est vrai qu'auparavant les hommes détenaient tous les pouvoirs. Ils rédigeaient les lois, possédaient les propriétés, géraient l'argent et faisaient valoir leur supériorité. Quant aux femmes, elles étaient considérées comme inférieures aux hommes. On ne les reconnaissait pas à leur juste valeur. Leurs pensées et opinions ne comptaient pas. Leurs désirs, elles devaient les refouler. Des ambitions, elles ne pouvaient en avoir. Leurs émotions, il fallait les cacher. Dans certaines sociétés, on disait même de la fille qu'elle avait la poisse. Sa naissance était considérée comme malsaine. On regardait la fille comme un fardeau surtout si elle était issue d'une famille pauvre. Malheur à celle qui voulait étudier ! La femme n'était bonne que pour se marier, faire des enfants et s'occuper de sa famille. Si la femme voulait s'instruire, on essayait d'ébranler sa conviction à tel point qu'elle perdait confiance en ses capacités. Si elle élevait la voix, on la rouait de coups. Si elle ne se laissait pas faire, on la  rejetait. Ainsi, vivre à côté de l'homme n'a pas souvent été facile. Elle a été remplie d'embûches. On comprend peut-être mieux cette peur de parler. Pourtant, sans l'homme et la femme la vie ne serait qu'un vide. Ce serait le néant. Sans la femme, l'homme n'existerait pas et vice-versa. Mais qu'en est-il du présent ? La situation a-t-elle évolué ?

Si par le passé, on a souvent tenu la femme à l'écart de l'éducation, la politique, le social et le monde du travail elle peut aujourd'hui démontrer ses capacités intellectuelles et réunificatrices. La preuve en est : que ce soit dans la vie domestique et professionnelle, elle s'est affirmée comme une travailleuse acharnée. De nos jours, elle a l'opportunité de faire ses preuves, de lutter pour ses droits et dénoncer toute forme de discrimination à son égard. Mais est-ce suffisant pour la faire sortir de son mutisme? Est-ce facile pour celle qu'on a tant de fois bâillonné, de s'exprimer et de se libérer des préjugés? On condamne souvent celles qui osent déroger aux normes qu'on a établies pour les femmes. Peut-être bien qu'on a peur qu'elles deviennent indépendantes. Si elles deviennent autonomes, ce serait évidemment très difficile de les contrôler. Mais pourquoi donc voudrait-on avoir la main-mise sur les femmes ? Comme tout être humain, les femmes n'ont-elles pas des désirs, des ambitions et des rêves qu'e lles voudraient réaliser ? Que faisons-nous en essayant de les contraindre à nos stéréotypes et préjugés ? Ne sommes-nous pas en train de les étouffer et les empêcher de vivre leur vie pleinement ?

Toutefois, il est important aujourd'hui que nous prenions conscience que la femme a une vie à part entière. Elle n'existe pas seulement par rapport à l'homme. Elle a une identité propre à elle et des droits qu'il faut respecter. Auparavant, elle était le subordonné de l'homme. A présent, elle lutte pour l'égalité du genre. L’avenir nous dira si elle réussira dans sa démarche. Mais soyons réalistes ! Le changement ne va pas s'opérer du jour au lendemain. Les obstacles et les sacrifices sont nombreux. Le prix à payer pour être soi-même est élevé mais mieux vaut tard que jamais. C'est important pour la femme de se retrouver, de se connaître, de faire le deuil de son passé et d'aller de l’avant. Si elle commence à puiser en son for intérieur, elle verra qu'elle n'est pas aussi faible qu'on essaie de lui faire accroire. C'est à elle maintenant de dessiner un avenir meilleur et de ne pas accepter qu'on la détruise. Elle doit prendre conscience qu'elle a tout aussi droit à la liberté et au bonheur. Si elle n'ose pas
parler et défendre ses droits, elle sera la plus grande perdante.

Femmes, osez donc pour un avenir meilleur ! Soyez fortes, courageuses et déterminées. Ne laissez quiconque violer vos droits. Viva les femmes !


International Women's Day: Viva les femmes !  Dare to fight for a better future!

Priya Baligadoo, Le Mauricien, March 8, 2012

Couples will all tell you that they have loving relations every day even if they are sometimes stormy.  But unfortunately, in certain cases, conflict ends up in extreme violence.  In these cases, women become the victimes of men's anger.  Taking advantage of their strength, the man beats her, rapes her and sometimes gets to the point of killing her.  But often women say nothing and suffer in silence.  Why?  Is it because she is weak?  What is the reason for the silence of women.  How can it be that some of them seem incapable of denouncing their oppressors?

It is try that men seem to have all the power.  It is men who write the laws, own the property, manage the money and show off their superiority.  While women are considered as inferior to men.  Their true value is not recognized.  Their thoughts and opinions are not counted.  Their desires are to be kept to themselves.  They are not allowed to have ambitions.  Their emotions are to be kept hidden.  In certain societies it is said that a girl is unlucky to be born.   Girls are considered as a burden, especially if she is born to a poor family.  Shame on the girl who wants to study.   The only value of a girl is to be married, have babies and take care of the family.  If the girl wants to get an education, she is criticized to the point that she loses confidence in her own abilities.  If she raises her voice, she is beaten.  If she continues, she is rejected.  Thus, it is not easy to live with men.  She is trapped at every turn.  Hence, we can understand better why she is afraid to speak out.  And besides, without men, the life of women would have an emptiness.  At the same time, without women, men would not exist.  As for the situation today, has it evolved?

If in the past, the woman was excluded from education, politics, social life and the world of work, today she can show her intellectual and unifying capacities.  The proof is there: whether in the home or the profession,  she is recognized as a hard worker.  In our days she now has the chance to prove her abilities, to struggle for her rights, and to denounce all forms of discrimination.  But is that enough to free her from her failure to speak out?  Is it easy for someone who has been silenced so many times, now to express her self and free herself from the prejudice of others?  Those who dare to upset the norms that have been established for women are condemned.
Perhaps it is better to have some fear when one becomes independent.   Obviously if a women becomes autonomous, she will be more difficult to control.  But why is there still a desire to control women?  Doesn't a woman have desires, ambitions and dreams like everyone?  What are we doing if we trying to constrain her by stereotypes and prejudices?  Are we not suffocating her and preventing her from living a full life?

In any case, it is important today to take seriously that the woman has her own life.  She is not simply a companion for men.  She has her own identity and her own rights that must be respected, even though it still seems that she is subordinate to men.   At the present time, she fights for gender equality, but only the future can tell us if she will succeed in this.   Let's be realistic!   Change does not come from one day to the other.  Many obstacles and sacrifices remain.   The price is high to be her own master, but better late than never.  It is important that the woman finds herself, knows herself, mourns the past and moves forward.  If she begins to
depend on her own inner force, she will see that she is not so weak as they have tried to make her believe.  It is up to her to design a better future and to refuse to allow it to be destroyed.  It is up to her to to realize her freedom and her happiness.  If she does not dare to speak and defend her rights, it is she who will be the biggest loser.

Women, dare to fight for a better future!  Be strong, courageous and determined!  Don't let anyone violate your rights.   Viva les femmes !
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David Adams
Posted: Dec. 16 2012,04:42

from my blog of December 2012:

Women’s equality is essential to the culture of peace; When we sent the draft Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace from UNESCO to the UN General Assembly in 1998, we made it clear that the linkage is essential between women’s equality, development and peace: “Only this can replace the historical inequality between men and women that has always characterized the culture of war and violence.”  In fact, at the dawn of humanity the monopolization of war and violence by men led to the historical exclusion of women from political and economic power (see my study Why There Are So Few Women Warriors for a scientific explanation).   In order to achieve a culture of peace, the inequality must be reversed

This month’s CPNN bulletin shows that the reversal is well underway:  the leadership of women for a culture of peace is more and more recognized, and the equality of women is being increasingly achieved.  Of course, much remains to be accomplished, but what is important is that the process is underway  From time to time, there are setbacks, but for the most part, the process is irreversible - women are gaining equality, and they are in the leadership of the Global Movement for a Culture of Peace and their leadership is being recognized  throughout the world.  In this month’s bulletin, there are women recognized by peace prizes from Yemen, Liberia, Kenya, Iran, Myanmar, Ireland, Guatemala, United States, Egypt, Tunisia, Indonesia and Bolivia

At the United Nations, Resolution 1325 was adopted by the Security Council under the leadership of Anwarul Chowdury  from Bangladesh in 2000  to provide a role for women in UN peacekeeping and peacebuilding , but ever since then, it has been difficult to get it implemented  There are some successes, but the struggle goes at the UN, as described in this month’s CPNN bulletin

There is an intrinsic relation between the culture of war and violence against women; It is evident that rape has always been a weapon of war, but that is not all.   There is a consistent finding by social scientists, both political scientists and anthropologists, that there is a high correlation between the frequency of warfare of the state or non-state society and the frequency of local, including domestic violence, at the lower level  These studies also show that the causal relationship is one-way, that it is the higher level that influences the lower level  This consistent finding is understood to be the result of the fact that the state or tribe trains young men as warriors to be violent, and that violence by the state or tribe serves as a behavioral model for  the family and community  Hence, the struggle for a culture of peace must include the struggle to end violence against women
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David Adams
Posted: Aug. 30 2014,13:25

The following figures, very revealing, come from the website of the American White House.

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