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III Seminário Regional de Promoção da Saúde e Cultura de Paz
un article par RAM, Roda de Adolescentes Multiplicadores

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Ontem, quarta-feira, dia 18 de Abril de 2012, o municipío de Monteiro Lobato participou do III Seminário Regional de Promoção da Saúde e Cultura de Paz, com 12 participantes (profissionais da área da saúde, educação e adolescentes da RAM) realizado em São José dos Campos no teatro UNIVAP, campus Catejón.

O evento tratou sobre os seguintes temas: Turismo, mudanças ambientais regionais: novos desafios para o enfrentamento das violências e promoção da cultura de paz, e foi organizado pelo Núcleo Viva a Paz.

Além do evento discutir questões importantes ligadas ao meio ambiente, sustentabilidade, cultura de paz e outros, foi também uma oportunidade e tanto para as adolescentes Alana, Julia e Lary divulgar os trabalhos da RAM para outros profissionais de diversas cidades.

A Roda de Adolescentes Multiplicadores (RAM), é a reunião de adolescentes da cidade de Monteiro Lobato-SP, que tem como objetivo a promoção do Protagonismo Juvenil enquanto fator de proteção e redução das vulnerabilidades

Outra coisa bacana que ocorreu, foi que na volta para os trabalhos no período da tarde, o grupo Hip Hop Prevenção da ong GAM de São José dos Campos, cantou o "RAP da Paz" criado para I Camin.

( Clique aqui para uma versão inglêsa)


Question(s) liée(s) à cet article:

The new generation, How does it interpret the culture of peace?

* * * * *

Commentaire le plus récent:

CPNN is pleased to reprint with permission this account of the UN DPI briefing on the culture of peace by Alex Freedman of the Railroad Street Youth Project.

Railroad Street Youth Project brought a contingency of bright-eyed, big-hearted Youth to the UN’s first NGO/DPI briefing of the Year.  And what could have been a more appropriate and more inspiring topic for a year of incredible transition and change than “The Culture of Peace.”  An expert panel of speakers, including Ambassador Chowdry of Bangladesh, Dorothy Maver, Mike O’Malley of Soka Gokkai International (SGI), and Cora Weiss, each spoke briefly about their views and experiences with Peace – “waging peace”, struggling for peace, working to Build peace, amongst the entrenched and powerful monolithic structures of Violence and War.  But most powerful was the crowd that the briefing and the topic itself pulled together: a room full of Future Peacekeepers.  It was inspiring to see how many people from so many cultures, talking about Peace and Ending War.  Everyone brought positivity, sincerity, compassion, and a sense of urgency.  The space truly held the intention of creating peace – all of our personal differences seemed insignificant in the face of such a righteous and pressing Universal need.

           The briefing immediately considered the most fundamental of questions: What is peace?  There are many definitions, touching on the many different causes, sources, and results of war.  One called war “Jealousy of the Old towards the New”, calling attention to the attitude towards Youth and their perspectives and ideas in conflict.  Another acknowledged Peace as the recognition that “the Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts”, encouraging us to look away from egoism and towards collaboration and cooperation if we wish to build a peaceful society. . ... continuation.

Cet article a été mis en ligne le May 19, 2012.