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The mayors of Tacna and Arica commit their cities to a culture of peace and integration [Peru and Chile]
un article par Andina, The News Agency of Peru

The mayors of Tacna and Arica, Fidel Carita and Salvador Urrutia, committed their cities to promoting a culture of peace and strengthening the integration of the population of both Peruvian and Chilean localities respectively.

click on photo to enlarge

Their commitment was ratified under the so-called "Binational Meeting of Integration on the Line of the Tacna-Arica Concord of 2014," celebrated with the participation of 30 neighborhood councils in both cities.

The meeting was sponsored by the municipalities of Tacna and Arica in the framework of the Committee on Border Integration and Development Peru-Chile (ICDC).

During the activity, Mayors Carita and Urrutia, along with other authorities, came from their respective border complexes to the esplanade at the foot of Christ's Sacred Heart of Peace, where they participated in the official ceremony, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru.

The Committee on Border Integration and Development Peru Chile, created in 2012, is a bilateral forum to discuss matters of common interest in the border area, aiming to promote sustainable economic and social development through integration and border cooperation.

(Click here for a Spanish version of this article)


Question(s) liée(s) à cet article:

Solidarity across national borders , What are some good examples?

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Cet article a été mis en ligne le July 30, 2014.