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The Peace Superheroes Series
un article par Marianne Perez de Fransius

I got the idea for the Peace Superheroes Series after completing my masters degree in Peace and Conflict Studies. Whenever I told people that I'd studied peace, I was met with one of two reactions, "Peace? I didn't know you could study that," or "I'm glad someone is studying that. We need more of it in the world." I quickly realized that while most people like the idea of peace, they don't know how to make it tangible i their daily lives. This is how a super peace project started.

click on photo to enlarge

The Peace Superheroes project is a series featuring a dynamic and varied group of survivors of violence come together in an urban environment to form a team dedicated to transforming the frequent violence that surrounds them. Over the course of the season, they work through internal and external conflicts which help coalesce a tightly-knit and awe-inspiring group. Viewers will be entertained by richly imagined and unconventional characters responding to familiar yet dangerous situations of all magnitudes in surprising, creative and dramatic ways.

In a first phase, the Peace Superheroes will appear in comic book form on our website. But the vision is for it to evolve into a TV or web series. The website will have a fan section and a resource section. Through the fan section, viewers can receive updates about the production of new episodes.

Concretely, the website will include:

• Resources to deepen the skills portrayed in the episode

• Links to organizations that deal with the issues addressed in the series

• Games and apps to put players into the situations depicted in the show

• Peace products featured in the series

• Do-it-yourself kits

Have you ever wanted to be a peace hero? Have you dreamt of participating in something that really makes a difference? Then, join our team!

As a Peace Hero, you will become part of the awesome Peace Superheroes community. We’ll ask you to help get the word out about the campaign, but we also want to empower you to be a Peace Hero in whatever way inspires you! Join here.

You can support the project at


Question(s) liée(s) à cet article:

Peace-building Stories, literacy development with peace-building

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Commentaire le plus récent:

The Teaching and Learning for Peace Foundation not only encourages the sharing of good peace-building stories but the writing of them. Reading development for children occurs when they are exposed to good stories but if those stories also contain peace-building elements then they are also exposed to the language of peace-building and an associated consciousness lift can result. This peace-building language can be patterned when they begin writing their own stories and as a consequence to being instilled into their consciousness, peace-building can become a natural way of thinking and operating. Peace-building stories also present strong peace-building characters who enact peace-building principles often becoming heroes to the children. One example is the Gandhi like character in Herb the Vegeterian Dragon as he chooses peaceful resistance when issues arise. Literacy development and peace-building can occur together.

Cet article a été mis en ligne le November 7, 2013.