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The Government of Chiapas Stresses Values in Shaping Its Agenda
un article par Diario Rotativo de Querétaro

The Chiapas government has indicated that freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance and respect for nature are the values that underpin their work, with clear and firm purpose of human development and social harmony.

Location of Chiapas in Mexico (

click on photo to enlarge

In the statement, the government says that its Plan 2012-2018 recognizes that men and women of Chiapas are entitled to a full life to raise their children in dignity, free from hunger, without fear of violence, oppression, exclusion or injustice.

In the same spirit, it is stated that no person in Chiapas should be denied the opportunity to benefit from development, with a guarantee of equal rights and opportunities for men and women, and that issues of state must be addressed in such a way that costs and burdens are distributed in accordance with the fundamental principles of equity, social justice and citizen participation.

Those who suffer or who benefit least deserve help from those who benefit most, adds the executive text of Chiapas. In addition, it calls for mutual respect considering the diversity of races, cultures, languages, beliefs and preferences, and it calls for the active promotion of a culture of peace, reconciliation and dialogue within the Chiapas society.

It also states that an equally basic value for the administration of Manuel Velasco Coello is prudence in the management, organization and preservation of all living species and natural resources in accordance with the principles of development and sustainability.

The statement also affirms that State Government is committed to society, to provide healthy and harmonious coexistence, ensuring good governance through justice, security, reliability, sustainability and social participation steward. This is to generate opportunities with equity and profitability to decrease social inequalities through the effective use and conservation of resources.

Finally, the Government Plan 2012-2018 for a Sustainable Chiapas, outlines the construction of a well-connected state, generating competitive economic opportunities based on existing natural resources and conservation in full use, with harmonious coexistence with a society that is healthy, egalitarian, informed and in constant dialogue.

(Click here for a Spanish version of this article)


Question(s) liée(s) à cet article:

The culture of peace at a regional level, Does it have advantages compared to a city level?

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Commentaire le plus récent:

CPNN has often carried articles about establishing a culture of peace at the level of the city, but there are also some advantages to promoting a culture of peace at a somewhat broader regional level.

In particular, the culture of peace needs to be based on a sustainable economy, which, in the long run, should depend on local agricultural production more than imported food.  This requires that the unit for the culture of peace include not only the city, but also the agricultural region surrounding it.

Cet article a été mis en ligne le January 22, 2013.