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The Eight Peace Keys*
Click at the end of each key for articles promoting it.

Respecting the rights and dignity of each human being (Articles)

Rejecting violence, obtaining justice by convincing and understanding (Articles)

Developing attitudes and skills for living together in harmony, putting an end to exclusion and oppression (Articles)

Giving everyone a chance to learn and share through the free flow of information (Articles)

Making sure that progress and development are good for everyone and for the environment (Articles)

Appreciating that people are different and that everyone has something to contribute to the community (Articles)

Ensuring an equal place for women and men in building society (Articles)

Participation by everyone in making decisions (Articles)

* The eight Peace Keys correspond to the six points of the Manifesto 2000, plus two other points (work for women's equality and participate in democracy) which are included within the sixth point, but which are listed as separate points in the original UN Resolution for a Culture of Peace. It was this resolution, A/52/13, that served as the model for the Nobel Peace Laureates who drafted the Manifesto. The Manifesto was signed by 75 million people as part of the United Nations culture of peace initiative.