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'Colors from Palestine' Calendars and Cards
an article by Mohammad Said

The 2008 "Colors from Palestine" calendar is to mark the 60th year of the 1948 Palestinian Nakba (The catastrophe).

We dedicate the "Colors from Palestine" 2008 to the memory of our fallen hero Naji Al-Ali (1938-1987), a cartoonist assassinated as a refugee, noted for the sharp political criticism in his work, who has since become an icon of Palestinian defiance. On July 22, 1987 he was shot in the face, at point blank range, as he left the London office of the Al Qabbas newspaper where he worked. He died after laying in a coma for 5 weeks.

In a simple and forceful way, Naji cuts though all lies and disguises and brings the truth to the people. Naji is perhaps best known as the creator of the character Handala, who is depicted as a ten-year old refugee boy.

View all the art work and the information about the 2008 Colors from Palestine calendar.

Colors from Palestine Cards.

To buy the calendar, cards and other material go to our products page.

We offer special discount rate for bulk orders, email us for rates. We are looking for possible retailers in different cities to help in distributing the calendar: if you know of any bookshop or an organization that might be interesting in this project, please let us know.

Your help is greatly appreciated , Please forward this email to your friends and contacts. You may contact me at .


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Here is another view of the Hamas/Fatah agreement, sent to CPNN by the Palestinian peace activist, Mazin Qumsiyeh:

People asked me about the latest "reconciliation" agreement between Fatah and Hamas. Most Palestinians here are skeptical of the sincerity of leadership in Fatah and Hamas and most still think these leaders are driven by narrow factional and personal interests than by interest of Palestine; noticeably absent was the popular Front For the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the largest secular faction after Fatah. Women leaders also complained about the exclusion of women voices and youth were also absent as most of those politicians are my age or older. In my talks (and I give several every week to visiting delegations and local people), I emphasize that people must wake up and push politicians to do the right thing. That is how history changes: via people especially youth and women. Of course, many wish that politicians show some leadership for positive change but we the people have to act. Meanwhile, we have an ongoing slow genocide of the Palestinian people. 7.4 million are refugees/displaced people and that number keeps growing. . ...more.

This report was posted on July 16, 2007.