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Casamance [Senegal] : The UN Resolution on Women, Peace and Security should be taught in school
an article by Maurice, Le Soleil

The president of the Bignona Platform of Women for Peace in Casamance, Senegal, Fatou Doucouré Sindian, called on Saturday for the government to introduce into schools the 1325 UN resolution on women, peace and security, in order to establish a culture of peace.

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"We ask the Minister of Education and teachers to introduce Resolution 1325 in the schools. But it is the minister who should take the lead the fight alongside women and children to put into effect the Resolution 1325 of the United Nations," said Ms. Doucouré, during a community meeting concerning the applicability of 1325 to Sindian. More than 30 villages in the district were represented at the meeting organized by the Movement against Small Arms in West Africa (Malao) and the Programme for prevention and management of crises in Casamance of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. The departmental head of Bignona Platform invited the Minister of National Education Serigne Mbaye Thiam to get involved in promoting the resolution, for a culture of peace in schools. Ms. Doucouré also denounced the television programs showing violence that are "very religiously" followed by children.

"We say no to that, because it teaches the child to make war. We ask the Minister of Education to establish a peace program in the schools, "she added. Fatou Doucouré believes it is time for the leaders of civil society to go to the areas very affected by the Casamance crisis and to educate women about the existence of the resolution 1325 passed by the United Nations, for their protection. Another member of the Platform, Fatou Badji Aris, argued for a broad dissemination of this resolution, and for the authorities to know and apply it. Diatou Cissé, the Director of the community radio Fogny Sindian FM , believes that the women, "some of whom become heads of households and ensure by themselves the education of their children," are the most affected by the conflict in Casamance.

(Click here for a French version of this article)


Question(s) related to this article:

UN Resolution 1325, does it make a difference?,

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A recent study by the NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security is critical of the UN Security Council for its inconsistent implement of Resolution 1325 that calls for an increased role of women in peacekeeping and peacebuilding.  The full report is available on the Internet on the website of

The working group members are an impressive group of active international NGOs: Amnesty International; Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights; Femmes Africa Solidarité; Global Action to Prevent War; Global Justice Center; Human Rights Watch; The Institute for Inclusive Security; International Action Network on Small Arms; International Alert; International Rescue Committee; Refugees International; International Women’s Program of the Open Society Foundations; Social Science Research Council; Women’s Refugee Commission; Women’s Action for New Directions; Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.

Here is the report's Summary of Findings

General trends in the Council over the last 12 years have shown significant development, including in the language and expertise on women, peace and security in resolutions, more expertise available to deploy in terms of gender advisors and women, peace and security, and a more sophisticated understanding of the key issues at the root of this agenda. There is a better understanding of, for example, what it takes to have disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration processes that are responsive to women; security sector reform that is responsive to women; and post-conflict elections that support women candidates and women voter. However, there is inconsistency in the Council’s deployment of that knowledge. There is still a significant disconnect between the content of reports received by the Council, meetings the Council holds, and resolutions it adopts.

There have been a number of positive developments in the Council’s use of women, peace and security-specific language in its policy over the last year. For the first time, for example, the Council used women, peace and security language in its resolution on Cyprus. However, there have also been inconsistencies. The Council’s initial lack of support for women in September 2011’s resolution on Libya was rectified by strong support in its March 2012 renewal. . ...more.

This report was posted on August 6, 2013.