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Tunisia: Equality of Women and Men in New Constitution
an article by Global Net

The National Constituent Assembly adopted on Thursday [ Jan. 9 ] Article 45 of the Constitution on the parity between men and women in elected councils. The article states that "The State shall protect the acquired rights of women, and work to strengthen and develop them. The State guarantees equality of opportunity between men and women regarding responsibilities in all sectors. The State undertakes to achieve parity of women and men in elected councils. The State will take appropriate measures to eradicate violence against women . "

illustration from Marianne

click on photo to enlarge

A clash occurred at the time of the discussion of this section between MP Samir Bettaieb of the democratic bloc and the Monia Brahim of Ennahdha.

Monia Brahim complained to having been insulted by her colleague who called him a "crank ". Samir Bettaieb subsequently took the floor to present his "sincere apology," but the apology was not accepted. "Your humiliation is indifferent to me and your excuses are unacceptable," she responded with evident irritation.

Earlier, the plenary had adopted on Monday, January 6, Article 20 which states that "citizens have the same rights and duties. They are equal before the law without discrimination."

[Note: Thank you to Kiki Chauvin, the CPNN reporter for this article.]

(Click here for a French version of this article)


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The following commentary is translated from Martine Gozlan in Marianne

No, the Sharia is not being applied, and yes, the charge of apostasy is prohibited.  No, Islam is no longer the source of law, and yes, the woman is the equal of the man . And freedom of conscience is protected.  Tunisians, with a minimum of violence and a maximum of reason, have fought for a constitution that rejects obscurantism and opens the door to a secular hope in the Arab world.

Moreover, there is no longer the choice of the bearded or the képi.   If Islam is to bite the dust, there must tanks in the streets.   And the Islamists,  of course, have the hideouts and the explosives.  Moreover, there is no choice: it is blood for blood and the exclusion of the other from the making of history.   And besides, they touched the Tunisian people, who rejected it. . ...more.

This report was posted on January 12, 2014.