An article by Karina Lizárraga in El Sudcaliforniano (translation by CPNN)
More than 1,500 preschool, primary and secondary school teachers from the five municipalities of Baja California Sur participated via zoom in the seminar called: “Socio-emotional education, child and adolescent participation and the culture of peace in Mexican schools”, according to the general director of basic education of the Ministry of Public Education, Martina Camacho Higuera.

Is there progress towards a culture of peace in Mexico?
Where is peace education taking place?
The official said that this training had the objective of offering pedagogical resources for the development of socio-emotional skills and the participation of students in the culture of peace, an action aimed at promoting the construction of an inclusive and democratic coexistence, for protection from the pandemic, as well as for the return to classrooms once determined by the health authorities.
Camacho Higuera highlighted that this event was offered by the Undersecretary of Basic Education, Marcos Bucio ,and the Directorate of Educational Management of the Federal SEP directed by Marlene Mendoza, who were kind enough to take into account the South Californian teachers in this educational journey.
In this sense, he added that it is the responsibility of authorities, teachers, students, parents and mothers to take actions to build environments of cordiality and harmony that go beyond the classrooms, to develop a culture of peace that impacts on the development of society.